Do you have a business idea everyone says won't work? Still want to go ahead?
For inspiration read the article "We'll all be rooned", which links to prominent
entrepreneur Phil Tripp's business life journey, "20 Years Ago, It Was Our First
Deadline". It will only take you a couple of minutes to read and is well worth
At the end of the post is a list of other inspirational people and places
Dilanchian Lawyers has written about in 2007.
Cue Contract Drafting Tips - Articles on drafting tips for various contract
- Rights Granted Clause
- Service Level Agreement Clause
- Confidential Information Clause
- Dispute Resolution Clause
Cue Articles and Lightbulb Blog Posts
Is your know-how under-valued?
All businesses derive revenues from know-how, yet very few apply knowledge
and time to treat their know-how in a structured way to protect it effectively
and build more value.
Luis Vuitton Mashups & Fashion Law
What do Britney Spears and a dog toy manufacturer called Haute Diggity Dog
have in common? The answer: both were recent defendants in legal actions in
France and the US by luxury goods maker Louis Vuitton. Their tales are
titillating examples of creative mashups causing legal bashups.
Special Collection: Website Development
In advising numerous web ventures we've developed a considerable library of
resources and know-how regarding legal customs, expectations and risks regarding
online businesses. They are overviewed here under six headings.
Domain name scam made in China
Recently we had a friendly email exchange with a man named "Jeff Zhang", or
so it began. It turned out to be an example of the increasing phenomenon of "spambush
marketing" out of China. What follows is a cautionary tale.
Californification of titles without trade marks
Showtime Network, a pay TV channel picked Californication to title its TV
series. The Red Hot Chilli Peppers had already used it to title a song and
album. What followed is an entertainment law lesson.
New innovation policy for herding cats
The NSW Government has announced an
innovation policy.
This post overviews the policy and provides our take on the
innovation situation in Australia generally.
How to make contracts more certain and less costly
It's time to stop believing the myth that lawyers can provide legal protection
with words alone. In addition to words, protection in contacts requires
knowledge and know-how regarding business process, policies, training,
standards, and codes of conduct. Why is this so?
Australian architects behaving badly
In mid-November we wrote two articles on two court cases involving copyright,
contracts and architects. Both cases involve lengthy disputes over either a unit
block or project homes. What options are available for Australian architects who
seek to professionally document their legal relationships with clients and
Guest Articles on Migration Law - Migration expert Paul Hense continues his
Securing fairness for Australian visa applicants
I was having a debate with a neighbour last week, and the conversation went from
politics to whether Australia is a racist country. My neighbour took the view
that Australia is no worse than any other country in the world, and a lot better
than most. I took the view that Australia still has a way to go to eliminate
Australian migration numbers, visas and leadership
Australia has a new Federal Government, and with it new leadership in the
migration portfolio. Before reflecting on this, we answer these two questions:
How many migrants has Australian had annually? And what visa categories have
they been accepted in?