Search engine optimisation (SEO) - Improve your Google results
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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Owning a website you are proud of is one thing - but even the BEST website in the world is useless UNLESS it can be found in search engines, and in particular, Google. For PROVEN & effective SEO services in Australia, call justweb* today.

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Search Engine Optimisation (Search Engine Optimisation)
Statistics show us that more than 80% of traffic from search engines comes from organic results. Basically, unless you are on the first page of Google™, regardless if you have a PPC strategy, your website may not be performing to it's full potential. For experienced, proven SEO Australia results, contact us today about website audits, SEO, and how we can improve your organic search engine optimisation with proven results.


Website Copywriting A good copywriter knows which words trigger the feelings that compel people to make decisions. They write with flair, making it easy for people to be drawn into what they are saying about your business, services or products. Read an an example of good copywriting for a fictitious Sydney Mercedes Dealer, or just "ok" website copy for a Used Mercedes dealer.


Trademark Registration The most effective way to safeguard you against people "trading off" your business name, product or service, is to register a trademark. For more information, including about the justweb® trade mark, please read our trademark registration article.

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The extremely positive affirmation "Yes We Can" (as used effectively by President Barack Obama) says it all. Ask us if we can improve your search engine results, and the simple answer is "Yes We Can"! We are THAT confident we can improve your search engine results, if your site doesn't increase its position after we optimise your site, we will refund all your money.

How can we make such a broad statement or claim?

It's very easy. Most businesses who either don't already employ SEO techniques to help get their website noticed by search engines, OR ones that are only partly optimised and are ignoring the basics, can improve their results without question by making some very simple changes. Please note that sometimes site construction may stand in the way, but we cover that later.

The pay per click trap

Pay Per Click Do you run an online ad campaign, such as Google AdWords?
Do your ads, shown in the sponsored link section, appear much higher in the search engine results than your website in the organic results?
Do you know that more people click the organic results than click the ads?

What is the solution?

To use proven SEO "white hat" techniques to move your site up in the organic listings. Organic results are the ones that are not in the sponsored links sections at the top and right hand side of the page.

What makes justweb™ different?

Many SEO companies make amazing claims about their achievements - but don't be fooled. Coming near the top, or at the top, in a Google search for a particular phrase relevant to the company, product, or location may sound great - but totally useless when you learn that (for whatever reason) people don't search for that phrase.

The more precise, complicated or "personal" a phrase is, the less likely it is large numbers of people are looking for it.

Search Engine Optimisation For example, justweb™ could say we achieved great results for our client, Back to Basics Chiropractic. They are on page one (#1) in Google for "Kogarah chiropractor". That might sound good - until you find out nobody searches for that phrase.

What might be more impressive is if we could say we managed to get our client to the first page in Google (the web) for the word "chiropractor" - which is searched for over 22,000 times per month.

As a matter of fact, as at 24.01.09, that particular client is the first chiropractic clinic to appear in Google (the web - not just Australia) for the word "chiropractor" (over 8 million results). The few results that precede it are a couple of associations, a University, etc. The company made back the money they spent on optimising their website within the first month of the improved website going "live".

Some other page one results justweb™ sites are achieving:

criminal lawyer; licence appeals; law articles; public relations company; conference organisers; legal conference; promotional pens; business pens; Mercedes dealer; Mercedes dealership; used Mercedes; Holden dealer; Holden dealers; Hyundai dealer; Toyota dealer; genuine Holden parts; alloy wheel repairs; good copywriting; fabric care; black label; Sony Playstation repairs; etc etc.

Note that all these phrases are very general, and searched for. For example, there is a big difference to achieving a result for "Beetronix Sony Playstation repairs" (very easy to do) and simply "Sony Playstation repairs" (not so easy).

What guarantees are there?

Unless you have an open cheque book, there are no guarantees. You simply cannot offer an ironclad guarantee for a particular organic result in Google for any website or any industry.

SEO Guarantee However, what WE do is 100% guarantee that if you we do not improve your Google results from where they are now, we will give you your money back. Not part of it - ALL of it!

The procedure is simple. First, we will define your most important keyphrases. Second, we will then run some reports showing your current search engine results. The next step is to start some optimisation of your site, and finally, test, measure and compare the results from the initial reports. Please note that it can take several weeks (or even longer in some cases) to see a change. Don't forget - MONEY BACK if you don't see any improvement, and keep in mind, the better the result we achieve for you, the better we look.

What role does site construction play?

Web sites need to have a simple hierarchy, and be built in such as way as to entice a search engine crawler to follow and index as many pages subsequent to the home page as it can.

SEO Target If a website's address is, can you look at that and tell what is on that page? No? Neither can the crawler bot. Even if there is no SEO consequence to such an unfriendly URL, wouldn't it look much better if the address was

Sites also need to have certain SEO friendly coding, and, in my experience, it helps if the site uses W3C validated coding. Again, even if there were no SEO benefits, isn't it better to have a site that is constructed using standardised coding? It's not the be all and end all, however it is one important component. Due to the potential cost of fixing this, often it is done as a last resort.

What do you do from here?

To find out more about our "Yes We Can" SEO, please contact us today, or use the freecall button (please note: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm).
"It astonishes me that there is still a hierarchy in big business that just, will, not, move. Sometimes I talk to businesses about their future, and I feel like I'm Mr T. in the Snickers ad.

The marketing director for one of the top three Australian retailers recently told a colleague, that he thought the internet was a fad, and he would wait until it all died down. The other day, a major book publisher mentioned that over 60% of their online book sales in Australia come from in the US.

"I want to tell these sorts of companies to quit their crazy jibba-jabba and Grow Some Nuts."

Guy Gadney
AIMIA (Australian Interactive Media Industry Association)

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