Postcodes of WA and Perth Metro in alphabetical order. Postal Code 6000
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Postcodes of Western Australia and Perth

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Postcodes of Western Australia (WA) in alphabetical order. Capital of WA is Perth, Postcode 6000. Perth's Post Office Box is 6001.

WA. Post Codes Sorted By Postal Code:

WA. Post Codes Sorted By Town/Suburb:


6324 Takalarup
6710 Talandji
6302 Talbot
6302 Talbot West
6030 Tamala Park
6320 Tambellup
6409 Tammin
6415 Tandegin
6065 Tapping
6530 Tarcoola Beach
6628 Tardun
6353 Tarin Rock
6391 Tarwonga
6213 Teesdale
6762 Telfer
6632 Tenindewa
6322 Tenterden
6438 Teutonic
6556 The Lakes
6237 The Plains
6167 The Spectacles
6069 The Vines
6711 Thevenard Island
6239 Thomson Brook
6108 Thornlie
6988 Thornlie
6519 Three Springs
6401 Throssell
6532 Tibradden
6361 Tincurrin
6333 Tingledale
6751 Tom Price
6244 Tonebridge
6566 Toodyay
6312 Toolibin
6336 Toompup
6330 Torbay
6330 Torndirrup
6311 Townsendale
6431 Trafalgar
6488 Trayning
6284 Treeton
6333 Trent
6029 Trigg
6393 Trigwell
6060 Tuart Hill
6939 Tuart Hill
6426 Turkey Hill
6280 Tutunup
6037 Two Rocks


6462 Ucarty
6460 Ucarty West
6220 Uduc
6436 Ularring
6239 Upper Capel
6390 Upper Murray
6069 Upper Swan
6258 Upper Warren
6230 Usher
6530 Utakarra


6532 Valentine
6330 Vancouver Peninsula
6355 Varley
6280 Vasse
6100 Victoria Park
6979 Victoria Park
6429 Victoria Rock
6432 Victory Heights
6230 Vittoria
6056 Viveash


6369 Wadderin
6509 Waddington
6515 Waddy Forest
6407 Waeel
6215 Wagerup
6530 Waggrakine
6315 Wagin
6169 Waikiki
6422 Walgoolan
6528 Walkaway
6721 Wallareenya
6429 Wallaroo
6076 Walliston
6925 Walliston Dc
6330 Walmsley
6398 Walpole
6280 Walsall
6460 Walyormouring
6363 Walyurin
6532 Wandana
6308 Wandering
6167 Wandi
6256 Wandillup
6530 Wandina
6503 Wanerie
6065 Wangara
6947 Wangara Dc
6505 Wannamal
6210 Wannanup
6065 Wanneroo
6946 Wanneroo
6320 Wansbrough
6220 Warawarrup
6311 Wardering
6405 Warding East
6743 Warmun
6169 Warnbro
6288 Warner Glen
6215 Waroona
6518 Warradarge
6330 Warrenup
6024 Warwick
6725 Waterbank
6407 Watercarrin
6152 Waterford
6228 Waterloo
6020 Watermans Bay
6513 Watheroo
6568 Wattening
6107 Wattle Grove
6166 Wattleup
6479 Wattoning
6530 Webberton
6044 Wedge Island
6315 Wedgecarrup
6721 Wedgefield
6477 Welbungin
6640 Weld Range
6170 Wellard
6233 Wellesley
6236 Wellington Forest
6236 Wellington Mill
6328 Wellstead
6106 Welshpool
6986 Welshpool Dc
6014 Wembley
6913 Wembley
6019 Wembley Downs
6606 West Ballidu
6450 West Beach
6532 West Binnu
6280 West Busselton
6330 West Cape Howe
6214 West Coolup
6530 West End
6337 West Fitzgerald
6369 West Holleton
6799 West Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands
6430 West Kalgoorlie
6430 West Lamington
6007 West Leederville
6901 West Leederville
6705 West Lyons River
6005 West Perth
6872 West Perth
6308 West Pingelly
6208 West Pinjarra
6309 West Popanyinning
6346 West River
6055 West Swan
6566 West Toodyay
6304 Westdale
6111 Westfield
6061 Westminster
6423 Westonia
6316 Westwood
6718 Whim Creek
6123 Whitby
6162 White Gum Valley
6532 White Peak
6068 Whiteman
6207 Whittaker
6473 Wialki
6532 Wicherina
6532 Wicherina South
6370 Wickepin
6720 Wickham
6443 Widgiemooltha
6302 Wilberforce
6041 Wilbinga
6243 Wilga
6243 Wilga West
6258 Wilgarrup
6479 Wilgoyne
6156 Willagee
6156 Willagee Central
6155 Willetton
6955 Willetton
6333 William Bay
6391 Williams
6430 Williamstown
6330 Willyung
6107 Wilson
6646 Wiluna
6280 Wilyabrup
6517 Winchester
6450 Windabout
6255 Winnejup
6150 Winthrop
6286 Witchcliffe
6230 Withers
6754 Wittenoom
6447 Wittenoom Hills
6370 Wogolin
6221 Wokalup
6519 Womarden
6401 Wongamine
6603 Wongan Hills
6630 Wongoondy
6280 Wonnerup
6530 Wonthella
6316 Woodanilling
6056 Woodbridge
6018 Woodlands
6041 Woodridge
6026 Woodvale
6324 Woogenellup
6630 Woolgorong
6369 Woolocutty
6701 Wooramel
6558 Wooroloo
6530 Woorree
6562 Woottating
6225 Worsley
6612 Wubin
6560 Wundowie
6112 Wungong
6390 Wuraming
6485 Wyalkatchem
6568 Wyening
6740 Wyndham
6407 Wyola
6407 Wyola West


6609 Xantippe


6239 Yabberup
6330 Yakamia
6635 Yalgoo
6535 Yallabatharra
6282 Yallingup
6282 Yallingup Siding
6280 Yalyalup
6035 Yanchep
6522 Yandanooka
6701 Yandoo Creek
6164 Yangebup
6710 Yannarie
6509 Yarawindah
6525 Yardarino
6418 Yarding
6218 Yarloop
6522 Yarragadee
6507 Yathroo
6503 Yeal
6372 Yealering
6487 Yelbeni
6426 Yellowdine
6280 Yelverton
6571 Yerecoin
6532 Yetna
6430 Yilkari
6312 Yilliminning
6275 Yoganup
6060 Yokine
6280 Yoongarillup
6302 York
6409 Yorkrakine
6311 Yornaning
6256 Yornup
6383 Yoting
6407 Youndegin
6330 Youngs Siding
6225 Yourdamung Lake
6532 Yuna


6434 Zanthus
6536 Zuytdorp
Western Australia A-G | Western Australia H-M
Western Australia N-S | Western Australia T-Z

Australian Post Codes

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