Postcodes of WA and Perth Metro in alphabetical order. Postal Code 6000
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Postcodes of Western Australia and Perth

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Postcodes of Western Australia (WA) in alphabetical order. Capital of WA is Perth, Postcode 6000. Perth's Post Office Box is 6001.

WA. Post Codes Sorted By Postal Code:

WA. Post Codes Sorted By Town/Suburb:


6532 Nabawa
6350 Nairibin
6485 Nalkain
6338 Nalyerlup
6207 Nambeelup
6521 Nambung
6330 Nanarup
6215 Nanga Brook
6414 Nangeenan
6522 Nangetty
6275 Nannup
6532 Nanson
6751 Nanutarra
6330 Napier
6532 Naraling
6369 Narembeen
6532 Narngulu
6532 Narra Tarra
6391 Narrakine
6302 Narraloggan
6326 Narrikup
6312 Narrogin
6312 Narrogin Valley
6281 Naturaliste
6165 Naval Base
6440 Neale
6009 Nedlands
6907 Nedlands
6909 Nedlands
6336 Needilup
6353 Neendaling
6031 Neerabup
6503 Neergabby
6485 Nembudding
6450 Neridup
6630 Nerramyne
6509 New Norcia
6475 Newcarlbeon
6355 Newdegate
6251 Newlands
6753 Newman
6714 Nickol
6044 Nilgen
6288 Nillup
6701 Ningaloo
6350 Nippering
6208 Nirimba
6225 Noggerup
6415 Nokaning
6532 Nolba
6061 Nollamara
6312 Nomans Lake
6062 Noranda
6333 Nornalup
6415 Norpa
6443 Norseman
6412 North Baandee
6390 North Bannister
6020 North Beach
6920 North Beach
6424 North Bodallin
6237 North Boyanup
6353 North Burngup
6445 North Cascade
6207 North Dandalup
6532 North Eradu
6159 North Fremantle
6254 North Greenbushes
6280 North Jindong
6410 North Kellerberrin
6352 North Kukerin
6489 North Kununoppin
6163 North Lake
6353 North Lake Grace
6351 North Moulyinning
6006 North Perth
6906 North Perth
6701 North Plantations
6338 North Stirlings
6488 North Trayning
6398 North Walpole
6707 North West Cape
6473 North Wialki
6487 North Yelbeni
6208 North Yunderup
6401 Northam
6535 Northampton
6003 Northbridge
6865 Northbridge
6262 Northcliffe
6532 Northern Gully
6905 Northlands
6032 Nowergup
6609 Nugadong
6480 Nukarni
6758 Nullagine
6330 Nullaki
6450 Nulsen
6490 Nungarin
6630 Nunierra
6566 Nunile
6341 Nyabing
6258 Nyamup


6532 Oakajee
6121 Oakford
6208 Oakley
6333 Ocean Beach
6027 Ocean Reef
6163 O'connor
6535 Ogilvie
6569 Old Plains
6121 Oldbury
6336 Ongerup
6710 Onslow
6431 Ora Banda
6330 Orana
6109 Orange Grove
6503 Orange Springs
6394 Orchid Valley
6167 Orelia
6017 Osborne Park
6916 Osborne Park
6917 Osborne Park
6916 Osborne Park Dc
6285 Osmington


6025 Padbury
6335 Pallinup
6328 Palmdale
6225 Palmer
6157 Palmyra
6957 Palmyra
6961 Palmyra Dc
6716 Pannawonica
6384 Pantapin
6754 Paraburdoo
6236 Paradise
6721 Pardoo
6426 Parker Range
6081 Parkerville
6434 Parkeston
6233 Parkfield
6210 Parklands
6147 Parkwood
6167 Parmelia
6333 Parryville
6076 Paulls Valley
6239 Paynedale
6612 Paynes Find
6638 Paynesville
6333 Peaceful Bay
6642 Peak Hill
6065 Pearsall
6710 Peedamulla
6260 Peerabeelup
6714 Pegs Creek
6230 Pelican Point
6260 Pemberton
6011 Peppermint Grove
6271 Peppermint Grove Beach
6620 Perenjori
6324 Perillup
6168 Peron
6000 Perth
6837 Perth
6838 Perth
6839 Perth
6840 Perth
6841 Perth
6842 Perth
6843 Perth
6844 Perth
6845 Perth
6846 Perth
6847 Perth
6848 Perth
6105 Perth Airport
6849 Perth Bc
6832 Perth East St Georges Tce
6831 Perth St Georges Tce
6258 Perup
6468 Petrudor
6572 Piawaning
6430 Piccadilly
6076 Pickering Brook
6229 Picton
6229 Picton East
6076 Piesse Brook
6315 Piesseville
6631 Pindar
6357 Pingaring
6308 Pingelly
6343 Pingrup
6065 Pinjar
6208 Pinjarra
6450 Pink Lake
6623 Pintharuka
6722 Pippingarra
6608 Pithara
6431 Plumridge Lakes
6208 Point Grey
6720 Point Samson
6309 Popanyinning
6324 Porongurup
6330 Port Albany
6525 Port Denison
6721 Port Hedland
6172 Port Kennedy
6167 Postans
6215 Preston Beach
6225 Preston Settlement
6285 Prevelly
6308 Pumphreys Bridge


6383 Quairading
6394 Qualeup
6281 Quedjinup
6107 Queens Park
6239 Queenwood
6405 Quelagetting
6302 Quellington
6281 Quindalup
6391 Quindanning
6258 Quinninup
6030 Quinns Rocks


6390 Ranford
6530 Rangeway
6346 Ravensthorpe
6208 Ravenswood
6434 Rawlinna
6503 Red Gully
6056 Red Hill
6721 Redbank
6104 Redcliffe
6286 Redgate
6327 Redmond
6327 Redmond West
6640 Reedy
6280 Reinscourt
6472 Remlap
6076 Reservoir
6030 Ridgewood
6258 Ringbark
6148 Riverton
6103 Rivervale
6330 Robinson
6168 Rockingham
6968 Rockingham
6969 Rockingham Beach
6967 Rockingham Dc
6751 Rocklea
6532 Rockwell
6397 Rocky Gully
6718 Roebourne
6725 Roebuck
6226 Roelands
6111 Roleystone
6285 Rosa Brook
6285 Rosa Glen
6401 Rossmore
6148 Rossmoyne
6620 Rothsay
6161 Rottnest Island
6510 Round Hill
6958 Royal Australian Navy Warships
6280 Ruabon
6532 Rudds Gully
6395 Ryansbrook


6280 Sabina River
6169 Safety Bay
6302 Saint Ronans
6445 Salmon Gums
6152 Salter Point
6163 Samson
6210 San Remo
6330 Sandpatch
6532 Sandsprings
6639 Sandstone
6535 Sandy Gully
6074 Sawyers Valley
6447 Scaddan
6019 Scarborough
6922 Scarborough
6285 Schroeder
6333 Scotsdale
6288 Scott River
6275 Scott River East
6244 Scotts Brook
6042 Seabird
6173 Secret Harbour
6330 Seppings
6125 Serpentine
6112 Seville Grove
6386 Shackleton
6333 Shadforth
6258 Shannon River Mill
6761 Shay Gap
6148 Shelley
6008 Shenton Park
6714 Sherlock
6169 Shoalwater
6225 Shotts
6280 Siesta Park
6210 Silver Sands
6065 Sinagra
6450 Sinclair
6175 Singleton
6426 Skeleton Rock
6258 Smith Brook
6207 Solus
6430 Somerville
6020 Sorrento
6424 South Bodallin
6432 South Boulder
6230 South Bunbury
6421 South Burracoppin
6701 South Carnarvon
6317 South Datatine
6411 South Doodlakine
6162 South Fremantle
6317 South Glencoe
6528 South Greenough
6055 South Guildford
6722 South Hedland
6430 South Kalgoorlie
6352 South Kukerin
6368 South Kumminin
6489 South Kununoppin
6164 South Lake
6353 South Lake Grace
6635 South Murchison
6355 South Newdegate
6151 South Perth
6951 South Perth
6701 South Plantations
6324 South Stirling
6488 South Trayning
6487 South Yelbeni
6426 South Yilgarn
6532 South Yuna
6208 South Yunderup
6253 Southampton
6401 Southern Brook
6426 Southern Cross
6110 Southern River
6530 Spalding
6163 Spearwood
6330 Spencer Park
6401 Spencers Brook
6525 Springfield
6308 Springs
6102 St James
6210 Stake Hill
6021 Stirling
6271 Stirling Estate
6338 Stirling Range National Park
6081 Stoneville
6714 Stove Hill
6530 Strathalbyn
6237 Stratham
6309 Stratherne
6056 Stratton
6721 Strelley
6008 Subiaco
6904 Subiaco
6164 Success
6964 Success
6256 Sunnyside
6530 Sunset Beach
6056 Swan View
6010 Swanbourne
Western Australia A-G | Western Australia H-M
Western Australia N-S | Western Australia T-Z

Australian Post Codes

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