Postcodes of VIC and Melbourne Metro in alphabetical order. Postal code 3000
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Postcodes of Victoria and Melbourne

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Postcodes of Victoria in alphabetical order. Capital of Victoria is Melbourne, Postcode 3000. Melbourne's Post Office Box is 3001.

Victoria - Post Codes sorted by Post Code

Victoria - Post Codes sorted by Town/Suburb


3351 Haddon
3046 Hadfield
3803 Hallam
3381 Halls Gap
3953 Hallston
3300 Hamilton
3215 Hamlyn Heights
3188 Hampton
3188 Hampton East
3188 Hampton North
3976 Hampton Park
3675 Hansonville
3453 Harcourt
3806 Harkaway
3741 Harrietville
3317 Harrow
3616 Harston
3915 Hastings
3287 Hawkesdale
3142 Hawksburn
3122 Hawthorn
3123 Hawthorn East
3658 Hazeldene
3777 Healesville
3981 Heath Hill
3523 Heathcote
3758 Heathcote Junction
3202 Heatherton
3135 Heathmont
3967 Hedley
3084 Heidelberg
3081 Heidelberg Heights
3081 Heidelberg Rgh
3081 Heidelberg West
3312 Henty
3461 Hepburn Springs
3218 Herne Hill
3825 Hernes Oak
3442 Hesket
3273 Hexham
3858 Heyfield
3304 Heywood
3756 Hidden Valley
3190 Highett
3032 Highpoint City
3216 Highton
3825 Hill End
3351 Hillcrest
3037 Hillside
3875 Hillside
3920 Hmas Cerberus
3139 Hoddles Creek
3148 Holmesglen
3717 Homewood
3396 Hopetoun
3162 Hopetoun Gardens
3029 Hoppers Crossing
3238 Hordern Vale
3400 Horsham
3402 Horsham
3741 Hotham Heights
3051 Hotham Hill
3128 Houston
3166 Hughesdale
3691 Hume Weir
3757 Humevale
3558 Hunter
3166 Huntingdale
3551 Huntly
3695 Huon
3099 Hurstbridge


3351 Illabarook
3282 Illowa
3223 Indented Head
3517 Inglewood
3472 Inkerman
3636 Invergordon
3634 Invergordon South
3321 Inverleigh
3996 Inverloch
3352 Invermay
3815 Iona
3249 Irrewarra
3498 Irymple
3079 Ivanhoe
3079 Ivanhoe East


3047 Jacana
3984 Jam Jerrup
3723 Jamieson
3228 Jan Juc
3266 Jancourt
3266 Jancourt East
3517 Jarklin
3840 Jeeralang
3945 Jeetho
3423 Jeparit
3238 Johanna
3902 Johnsonville
3869 Jumbuk
3951 Jumbunna
3399 Jung
3551 Junortoun


3909 Kalimna
3064 Kalkallo
3791 Kallista
3766 Kalorama
3555 Kangaroo Flat
3097 Kangaroo Ground
3419 Kaniva
3719 Kanumbra
3564 Kanyapella
3951 Kardella
3199 Karingal
3401 Karnak
3649 Katamatite
3634 Katandra
3640 Katunga
3249 Kawarren
3021 Kealba
3036 Keilor
3038 Keilor Downs
3033 Keilor East
3036 Keilor North
3042 Keilor Park
3239 Kennedys Creek
3221 Kennett River
3550 Kennington
3031 Kensington
3073 Keon Park
3579 Kerang
3691 Kergunyah
3979 Kernot
3434 Kerrie
3129 Kerrimuir
3660 Kerrisdale
3101 Kew
3102 Kew East
3173 Keysborough
3631 Kialla
3631 Kialla East
3631 Kialla West
3418 Kiata
3691 Kiewa
3995 Kilcunda
3283 Killarney
3851 Kilmany
3764 Kilmore
3137 Kilsyth
3137 Kilsyth South
3763 Kinglake
3757 Kinglake West
3021 Kings Park
3083 Kingsbury
3364 Kingston
3012 Kingsville
3283 Kirkstall
3666 Kithbrook
3523 Knowsley
3152 Knox City Centre
3180 Knoxfield
3704 Koetong
3265 Kolora
3951 Kongwak
3981 Koo Wee Rup
3669 Koonda
3580 Koondrook
3954 Koonwarra
3501 Koorlong
3844 Koornalla
3144 Kooyong
3714 Koriella
3282 Koroit
3520 Korong Vale
3950 Korumburra
3461 Korweinguboora
3565 Kotta
3638 Kotupna
3622 Koyuga
3621 Koyuga South
3945 Krowera
3930 Kunyung
3337 Kurunjang
3619 Kyabram
3620 Kyabram
3444 Kyneton


3463 Laanecoorie
3816 Labertouche
3130 Laburnum
3584 Lake Boga
3351 Lake Bolac
3581 Lake Charm
3312 Lake Mundi
3727 Lake Rowan
3887 Lake Tyers
3909 Lake Tyers Beach
3350 Lake Wendouree
3909 Lakes Entrance
3352 Lal Lal
3542 Lalbert
3075 Lalor
3620 Lancaster
3435 Lancefield
3384 Landsborough
3984 Lang Lang
3318 Langkoop
3910 Langwarrin
3212 Lara
3249 Larpent
3487 Lascelles
3139 Launching Place
3238 Lavers Hill
3028 Laverton
3026 Laverton North
8010 Law Courts
3415 Lawloit
3352 Learmonth
3516 Leichardt
3352 Leigh Creek
3567 Leitchville
3631 Lemnos
3691 Leneva
3953 Leongatha
3224 Leopold
3458 Lerderderg
3332 Lethbridge
3352 Lexton
3858 Licola
3420 Lillimur
3140 Lilydale
3673 Lima
3865 Lindenow
3875 Lindenow South
3360 Linton
3324 Lismore
3480 Litchfield
3211 Little River
3551 Llanelly
3945 Loch
3851 Loch Sport
3563 Lockington
3665 Locksley
3551 Lockwood South
3475 Logan
3691 Lone Pine
3550 Long Gully
3851 Longford
3551 Longlea
3816 Longwarry
3665 Longwood
3232 Lorne
3221 Lovely Banks
3093 Lower Plenty
3381 Lubeck
3875 Lucknow
3691 Lucyvale
3975 Lynbrook
3975 Lyndhurst
3461 Lyonville
3156 Lysterfield


3286 Macarthur
3782 Macclesfield
3440 Macedon
3971 Macks Creek
3085 Macleod
3579 Macorna
3860 Maffra
3352 Magpie
3551 Maiden Gully
3012 Maidstone
3275 Mailer Flat
3928 Main Ridge
3465 Majorca
3463 Maldon
3892 Mallacoota
3446 Malmsbury
3144 Malvern
3145 Malvern East
3546 Manangatang
3551 Mandurang
3663 Mangalore
3218 Manifold Heights
3222 Mannerim
3722 Mansfield
3724 Mansfield
3222 Marcus Hill
3032 Maribyrnong
3888 Marlo
3387 Marnoo
3515 Marong
3377 Maroona
3216 Marshall
3634 Marungi
3465 Maryborough
3812 Maryknoll
3779 Marysville
3723 Matlock
3331 Maude
3938 Mccrae
3204 Mckinnon
3799 Mcmahons Creek
3048 Meadow Heights
3956 Meeniyan
3862 Meerlieu
3000 Melbourne
3045 Melbourne Airport
3052 Melbourne University
3337 Melton
3338 Melton South
3315 Melville Forest
3194 Mentone
3159 Menzies Creek
3277 Mepunga
3505 Merbein
3333 Meredith
3496 Meringur
3310 Merino
3058 Merlynston
3754 Mernda
3916 Merricks
3926 Merricks Beach
3926 Merricks North
3618 Merrigum
3723 Merrijig
3715 Merton
3448 Metcalfe
3904 Metung
3444 Mia Mia
3064 Mickleham
3840 Mid Valley
3124 Middle Camberwell
3206 Middle Park
3678 Milawa
3500 Mildura, Victoria
3502 Mildura
3501 Mildura Centre Plaza
3082 Mill Park
3352 Millbrook
3799 Millgrove
3572 Milloo
3575 Mincha
3567 Mincha West
3352 Miners Rest
3287 Minhamite
3413 Minimay
3351 Mininera
3392 Minyip
3415 Miram
3871 Mirboo North
3722 Mirimbah
3132 Mitcham
3352 Mitchell Park
3355 Mitchell Park
3573 Mitiamo
3401 Mitre
3701 Mitta Mitta
3816 Modella
3240 Modewarre
3825 Moe
3231 Moggs Creek
3718 Molesworth
3472 Moliagul
3352 Mollongghip
3673 Molyullah
3800 Monash University
3793 Monbulk
3984 Monomeith
3127 Mont Albert
3129 Mont Albert North
3094 Montmorency
3765 Montrose
3221 Moolap
3478 Moonambel
3825 Moondarra
3039 Moonee Ponds
3189 Moorabbin
3194 Moorabbin Airport
3189 Moorabbin East
3221 Moorabool
3933 Moorooduc
3138 Mooroolbark
3629 Mooroopna
3195 Mordialloc
3058 Moreland
3240 Moriac
3931 Mornington
3334 Morrisons
3272 Mortlake
3840 Morwell
3885 Mossiface
3691 Mount Alfred
3699 Mount Beauty
3960 Mount Best
3740 Mount Buffalo
3723 Mount Buller
3350 Mount Clear
3024 Mount Cottrell
3767 Mount Dandenong
3216 Mount Duneed
3352 Mount Egerton
3930 Mount Eliza
3796 Mount Evelyn
3350 Mount Helen
3741 Mount Hotham
3377 Mount Lonarch
3441 Mount Macedon
3934 Mount Martha
3240 Mount Moriac
3350 Mount Pleasant
3352 Mount Rowan
3875 Mount Taylor
3342 Mount Wallace
3149 Mount Waverley
3156 Mountain Gate
3294 Moutajup
3732 Moyhu
3377 Moyston
3451 Muckleford
3462 Muckleford South
3737 Mudgegonga
3170 Mulgrave
3610 Murchison
3221 Murgheboluc
3747 Murmungee
3579 Murrabit
3512 Murrayville
3717 Murrindindi
3243 Murroon
3163 Murrumbeena
3390 Murtoa
3461 Musk
3556 Myers Flat
3341 Myrniong
3851 Myrtlebank
3736 Myrtleford
3737 Myrtleford
3518 Mysia
Victoria A-G | Victoria H-M
Victoria N-S | Victoria T-Z

Australian Post Codes

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