Postcodes of VIC and Melbourne Metro in alphabetical order. Postal code 3000
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Postcodes of Victoria and Melbourne

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Postcodes of Victoria in alphabetical order. Capital of Victoria is Melbourne, Postcode 3000. Melbourne's Post Office Box is 3001.

Victoria - Post Codes sorted by Post Code

Victoria - Post Codes sorted by Town/Suburb


3067 Abbotsford
3040 Aberfeldie
3825 Aberfeldy
3714 Acheron
3352 Addington
3962 Agnes
3231 Aireys Inlet
3042 Airport West
3021 Albanvale
3206 Albert Park
3971 Alberton
3020 Albion
3714 Alexandra
3350 Alfredton
3691 Allans Flat
3277 Allansford
3364 Allendale
3305 Allestree
3465 Alma
3979 Almurta
3078 Alphington
3018 Altona
3028 Altona Meadows
3025 Altona North
3249 Alvie
3377 Amphitheatre
3221 Anakie
3715 Ancona
3230 Anglesea
3414 Antwerp
3233 Apollo Bay
3677 Appin Park
3319 Apsley
3377 Ararat
3631 Arcadia
3995 Archies Creek
3022 Ardeer
3629 Ardmona
3480 Areegra
3143 Armadale
3143 Armadale North
3551 Arnold
3099 Arthurs Creek
3936 Arthurs Seat
3364 Ascot
3032 Ascot Vale
3442 Ashbourne
3147 Ashburton
3147 Ashwood
3195 Aspendale
3195 Aspendale Gardens
3818 Athlone
3049 Attwood
3664 Avenel
3467 Avoca
3034 Avondale Heights
3782 Avonsleigh
3551 Axedale


3747 Baarmutha
3340 Bacchus Marsh
3670 Baddaginnie
3608 Bailieston
3875 Bairnsdale
3354 Bakery Hill
3183 Balaclava
3342 Ballan
3350 Ballarat
3353 Ballarat
3354 Ballarat Mc
3350 Ballarat North
3350 Ballarat West
3340 Balliang
3666 Balmattum
3407 Balmoral
3926 Balnarring
3971 Balook
3103 Balwyn
3104 Balwyn North
3561 Bamawm
3241 Bambra
3694 Bandiana Milpo
3175 Bangholme
3331 Bannockburn
3388 Banyena
3084 Banyule
3691 Baranduda
3463 Baringhup
3451 Barkers Creek
3381 Barkly
3352 Barkstead
3639 Barmah
3557 Barnadown
3688 Barnawartha
3249 Barongarook
3221 Barrabool
3249 Barramunga
3329 Barunah Park
3243 Barwon Downs
3227 Barwon Heads
3991 Bass
3221 Batesford
3911 Baxter
3375 Bayindeen
3981 Bayles
3153 Bayswater
3153 Bayswater North
3807 Beaconsfield
3808 Beaconsfield Upper
3475 Bealiba
3373 Beaufort
3193 Beaumaris
3135 Bedford Road
3251 Beeac
3237 Beech Forest
3747 Beechworth
3160 Belgrave
3215 Bell Park
3215 Bell Post Hill
3221 Bellarine
3228 Bellbrae
3691 Bellbridge
3216 Belmont
3198 Belvedere Park
3889 Bemm River
3946 Bena
3671 Benalla
3672 Benalla
3673 Benalla
3900 Benambra
3630 Benarch
3319 Benayeo
3097 Bend Of Islands
3550 Bendigo
3552 Bendigo
3554 Bendigo Dc
3888 Bendoc
3875 Bengworden
3125 Bennettswood
3960 Bennison
3204 Bentleigh
3165 Bentleigh East
3342 Beremboke
3518 Berrimal
3351 Berringa
3691 Berringama
3531 Berriwillock
3323 Berrybank
3953 Berrys Creek
3806 Berwick
3472 Bet Bet
3691 Bethanga
3472 Betley
3395 Beulah
3590 Beverford
3753 Beveridge
3707 Biggara
3966 Binginwarri
3483 Birchip
3242 Birregurra
3918 Bittern
3350 Black Hill
3193 Black Rock
3130 Blackburn
3130 Blackburn North
3130 Blackburn South
3458 Blackwood
3942 Blairgowrie
3342 Blakeville
3364 Blampied
3980 Blind Bight
3352 Blowhard
3699 Bogong
3669 Boho South
3860 Boisdale
3432 Bolinda
3546 Bolton
3305 Bolwarra
3352 Bolwarrah
3888 Bonang
3196 Bonbeach
3691 Bonegilla
3720 Bonnie Doon
3870 Boolarra
3265 Boorcan
3678 Boorhaman
3685 Boorhaman North
3537 Boort
3155 Boronia
3518 Borung
3599 Boundary Bend
3735 Bowmans Forest
3128 Box Hill
3129 Box Hill North
3128 Box Hill South
3725 Boxwood
3195 Braeside
3630 Branditt
3302 Branxholme
3019 Braybrook
3219 Breakwater
3227 Breamlea
3131 Brentford Square
3860 Briagolong
3088 Briar Hill
3516 Bridgewater On Loddon
3741 Bright
3186 Brighton
3187 Brighton East
3184 Brighton Road
3391 Brim
3658 Broadford
3047 Broadmeadows
3301 Broadwater
3338 Brookfield
3012 Brooklyn
3364 Broomfield
3350 Brown Hill
3685 Browns Plains
3056 Brunswick
3057 Brunswick East
3055 Brunswick West
3885 Bruthen
3375 Buangor
3885 Buchan
3240 Buckley
3958 Buffalo
3737 Buffalo River
3428 Bulla
3352 Bullarook
3461 Bullarto
3105 Bulleen
3437 Bullengarook
3821 Buln Buln
3634 Bunbartha
3851 Bundalaguah
3730 Bundalong
3083 Bundoora
3260 Bungador
3352 Bungaree
3726 Bungeet
3357 Buninyong
3815 Bunyip
3121 Burnley
3023 Burnside
3709 Burrowye
3352 Burrumbeet
3125 Burwood
3151 Burwood East
3151 Burwood Heights
3281 Bushfield
3885 Butchers Ridge
3711 Buxton
3301 Byaduk
3762 Bylands
3617 Byrneside


3505 Cabarita
3889 Cabbage Tree Creek
3023 Cairnlea
3984 Caldermeade
3556 California Gully
3573 Calivil
3844 Callignee
3875 Calulu
3124 Camberwell
3126 Camberwell East
3124 Camberwell North
3124 Camberwell South
3124 Camberwell West
3352 Cambrian Hill
3061 Campbellfield
3381 Campbells Bridge
3451 Campbells Creek
3556 Campbells Forest
3364 Campbelltown
3260 Camperdown
3350 Canadian
3630 Caniambo
3890 Cann River
3540 Cannie
3977 Cannons Creek
3126 Canterbury
3351 Cape Clear
3995 Cape Paterson
3925 Cape Woolamai
3274 Caramut
3312 Carapook
3352 Cardigan
3978 Cardinia
3496 Cardross
3464 Carisbrook
3239 Carlisle River
3442 Carlsruhe
3053 Carlton
3054 Carlton North
3053 Carlton South
3163 Carnegie
3351 Carngham
3023 Caroline Springs
3844 Carrajung
3874 Carrajung South
3361 Carranballac
3197 Carrum
3201 Carrum Downs
3494 Carwarp
3311 Casterton
3450 Castlemaine
3981 Catani
3714 Cathkin
3162 Caulfield
3145 Caulfield East
3161 Caulfield Junction
3161 Caulfield North
3162 Caulfield South
3314 Cavendish
3145 Central Park
3221 Ceres
3148 Chadstone
3239 Chapple Vale
3695 Charleroi
3525 Charlton
3379 Chatsworth
3196 Chelsea
3196 Chelsea Heights
3192 Cheltenham
3192 Cheltenham East
3351 Chepstowe
3678 Cheshunt
3312 Chetwynd
3451 Chewton
3824 Childers
3683 Chiltern
3546 Chinkapook
3116 Chirnside Park
3775 Christmas Hills
3842 Churchill
3352 Clarendon
3169 Clarinda
3430 Clarkefield
3352 Clarkes Hill
3168 Clayton
3169 Clayton South
3782 Clematis
3068 Clifton Hill
3222 Clifton Springs
3658 Clonbinane
3889 Club Terrace
3370 Clunes
3978 Clyde
3825 Coalville
3165 Coatesville
3266 Cobden
3643 Cobram
3644 Cobram
3058 Coburg
3058 Coburg North
3781 Cockatoo
3364 Coghills Creek
3568 Cohuna
3340 Coimadai
3250 Colac
3707 Colac Colac
3559 Colbinabbin
3770 Coldstream
3315 Coleraine
3494 Colignan
3066 Collingwood
8003 Collins Street East
8007 Collins Street West
3630 Colliver
3889 Combienbar
3556 Comet Hill
3303 Condah
3633 Congupna
3227 Connewarre
3318 Connewirricoo
3048 Coolaroo
3616 Cooma
3629 Coomboona
3814 Cora Lynn
3480 Corack
3249 Coragulac
3352 Corindhap
3984 Corinella
3214 Corio
3984 Coronet Bay
3559 Corop
3254 Cororooke
3707 Corryong
3249 Corunnun
3631 Cosgrove
3523 Costerfield
3099 Cottles Bridge
3506 Cowangie
3922 Cowes
3857 Cowwarr
3465 Craigie
3064 Craigieburn
3977 Cranbourne
3977 Cranbourne North
3977 Cranbourne South
3669 Creek Junction
3666 Creighton
3121 Cremorne
3322 Cressy
3363 Creswick
3919 Crib Point
3193 Cromer
3377 Crowlands
3136 Croydon
3136 Croydon Hills
3136 Croydon North
3136 Croydon South
3265 Cudgee
3705 Cudgewa
3530 Culgoa
3496 Cullulleraine
3251 Cundare North
3268 Curdie Vale
3268 Curdies River
3222 Curlewis


3385 Dadswells Bridge
3465 Daisy Hill
3047 Dallas
3981 Dalmore
3992 Dalyston
3175 Dandenong
3164 Dandenong South
3175 Dandenong South
3737 Dandongadale
3862 Dargo
3871 Darlimurla
3145 Darling
3271 Darlington
3822 Darnum
3756 Darraweit Guim
3851 Darriman
3304 Dartmoor
3701 Dartmouth
3460 Daylesford
3217 Deakin University
3352 Dean
3235 Deans Marsh
3691 Dederang
3023 Deer Park
3022 Deer Park East
3356 Delacombe
3037 Delahey
3186 Dendy
3280 Dennington
3516 Derby
3352 Dereel
3312 Dergholm
3030 Derrimut
3325 Derrinallum
3726 Devenish
3977 Devon Meadows
3971 Devon North
3610 Dhurringile
3089 Diamond Creek
3309 Digby
3427 Diggers Rest
3414 Dimboola
3571 Dingee
3172 Dingley Village
3898 Dinner Plain
3775 Dixons Creek
3008 Docklands
3480 Donald
3108 Doncaster
3109 Doncaster East
3109 Doncaster Heights
3064 Donnybrook
3111 Donvale
3401 Dooen
3646 Dookie
3647 Dookie College
3754 Doreen
3401 Douglas
3177 Doveton
3249 Dreeite
3936 Dromana
3818 Drouin
3461 Drummond
3446 Drummond North
3222 Drysdale
3956 Dumbalk
3271 Dundonnell
3294 Dunkeld
3630 Dunkirk
3352 Dunnstown
3472 Dunolly
3352 Durham Lead
3576 Durham Ox
3323 Duverney


3878 Eagle Point
3556 Eaglehawk
3084 Eaglemont
3219 East Geelong
3002 East Melbourne
8002 East Melbourne
3852 East Sale Raaf
3231 Eastern View
3691 Ebden
3564 Echuca
3472 Eddington
3757 Eden Park
3318 Edenhope
3196 Edithvale
3713 Eildon
3334 Elaine
3746 Eldorado
3265 Ellerslie
3250 Elliminyt
3469 Elmhurst
3558 Elmore
3448 Elphinstone
3185 Elsternwick
3095 Eltham
3095 Eltham North
3184 Elwood
3782 Emerald
3475 Emu
3802 Endeavour Hills
3352 Enfield
3895 Ensay
3551 Eppalock
3076 Epping
3076 Epping Dc
3551 Epsom
3825 Erica
3701 Eskdale
3040 Essendon
3041 Essendon North
3040 Essendon West
3350 Eureka
3666 Euroa
3739 Eurobin
3371 Evansford
3678 Everton
3338 Exford


3078 Fairfield
3231 Fairhaven
3699 Falls Creek
3060 Fawkner
3458 Fern Hill
3864 Fernbank
3518 Fernihurst
3156 Ferntree Gully
3786 Ferny Creek
3939 Fingal
3959 Fish Creek
3065 Fitzroy
3068 Fitzroy North
3977 Five Ways
3031 Flemington
3929 Flinders
8009 Flinders Lane
3717 Flowerdale
3844 Flynn
3011 Footscray
3131 Forest Hill
3236 Forrest
3960 Foster
3557 Fosterville
3805 Fountain Gate
3265 Framlingham
3461 Franklinford
3199 Frankston
3200 Frankston North
3741 Freeburgh
3216 Freshwater Creek
3451 Fryerstown
3221 Fyansford


3737 Gapsted
3207 Garden City
3185 Gardenvale
3814 Garfield
3265 Garvoc
3407 Gatum
3220 Geelong
3218 Geelong West
3885 Gelantipy
3239 Gellibrand
3237 Gellibrand Lower
3971 Gelliondale
3783 Gembrook
3891 Genoa
3418 Gerang Gerung
3243 Gerangamete
3331 Gheringhap
3797 Gilderoy
3616 Gillieston
3841 Gippsland Mc
3891 Gipsy Point
3624 Girgarre
3437 Gisborne
3043 Gladstone Park
3797 Gladysdale
3979 Glen Alvie
3691 Glen Creek
3990 Glen Forbes
3163 Glen Huntly
3146 Glen Iris
3150 Glen Waverley
3717 Glenburn
3266 Glenfyne
3854 Glengarry
3461 Glenlyon
3858 Glenmaggie
3340 Glenmore
3385 Glenorchy
3675 Glenrowan
3046 Glenroy
3293 Glenthompson
3221 Gnarwarre
3260 Gnotuk
3719 Gobur
3350 Golden Point
3451 Golden Point
3465 Golden Point
3555 Golden Square
3472 Goldsborough
3666 Gooram
3685 Gooramadda
3725 Goorambat
3557 Goornong
3305 Gorae
3345 Gordon
3873 Gormandale
3412 Goroke
3723 Goughs Bay
3608 Goulburn Weir
3043 Gowanbrae
3669 Gowangardie
3984 Grantville
3701 Granya
3281 Grassmere
3608 Graytown
3377 Great Western
3537 Gredgwin
3341 Greendale
3088 Greensborough
3059 Greenvale
3675 Greta
3216 Grovedale
3770 Gruyere
3451 Guildford
3566 Gunbower
3691 Gundowring
3850 Guthridge
3709 Guys Forest
3807 Guys Hill
3401 Gymbowen
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