Dyson Animal DC39 - best vacuum cleaner on the market? Not sure, but the best one I've ever used. Not cheap though.
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With my replacement Dyson Animal DC39 now home, setup, and ready to try, I gave the carpets and rugs another vacuum cleaner. The good news is there didn't seem to be a problem with the floor head this time. The bad news is, it got even MORE dirt out of the carpet!

After vacuuming, emptying the dirt canister is both convenient, and a little messy. Yes, it would be convenient to simply throw away a vacuum bag, but that means having to buy bags for the life of the cleaner, plus I'm not convinced the suction is as good with bagged vacuum cleaners, compared to bagless vacuum cleaners.

DC39 Animal - Dyson
Because the Dyson is SO good at cleaning, it picks up minute dirt and dust particles. All the Dyson examples I've seen show a person emptying out the canister into an open bin. I DO NOT recommend that - you simply don't want to breathe in that all that dust, dirt, and detritus. So I'd suggest emptying it into a plastic shopping bag, and have a filter mask handy. No, seriously. The particles it picks up are THAT fine!

Also, the dust tends to stick to the canister a bit, but you can easily pull it apart for cleaning.

The "lifetime filter", another plus, simply pops out of the top of the detached canister, and you can wash that in clean, COLD water every couple of months or so, depending on the amount of usage.

Another good thing I noticed about the Dyson is that they seem to have mastered the retractable power cord function. Not one vacuum cleaner I've ever used has been able to retract a power cord without getting tangled. Not the Dyson. It sucks that cord back in smoothly and without hesitation.

So the, pros and cons of the Dyson DC39 Animal:

Dyson vacuum cleaner DC39

  • Ridiculously expensive - this machine retails for about $500 in the US compared to $949 here - Australians getting ripped yet again!
  • A little awkward to store
  • Lower part of vacuum wand generates a lot of static, so it attracts particles, pet hair, etc.
  • Only a 2 year warranty - the same as for machines which cost half as much - other countries offer a 5 year warranty

Cheap Dyson vacuum cleaners

Now, I mentioned in page one that you can get this awesome vacuum cleaner cheaper. Simply look for an online price. By the way, I refuse to buy items like this online. I want a store I can deal with directly. Once you find the lowest price online, simply print out the page, then take it price matching to retail stores. Start with Masters Home Improvement - at the time of writing, they seem to be the most flexible when it comes to price matching from the feedback I've read.

Would I recommend a Dyson? HELL yes. Although, its early days. Time will tell if this unit is reliable and will last the distance. But I'm just happy I now have a machine will actually CLEANS the floor coverings, rather than pretends. And don't be fooled by the manufacturers which claim x number of watts power - it's the suction that counts.

By the way, you can buy other models which have exactly the same suction for less.

Dyson DC39 Animal Review By Rob Arnell, Senior Contributor at JustWeb Rating: 5.0 out of 5. If you want a vacuum cleaner that actually CLEANS, and the price doesn't put you off, you can't go past the Dyson DC39.

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