DOD GSE550 - a review of this car black box camera & GPS logger by traffic lawyer, Peter Proctor.
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DOD GSE550 - HD car black box camera with GPS review

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How often have you wished you had a witness to an incident that happened to you on the road. It mightn't even involve you. You may have witnessed a collision immediately ahead of you.

Now you can solve that problem by having your own witness with you in the car, perched on your windscreen, recording your position, speed, date and time and most important of all, recording an image of the panorama ahead of you with 1920 x 1080 @ 30FPS video resolution using the DOD GSE550 in car black box camera with GPS.

This instrument doesn't lie.

If a dispute arises by way of a Police allegation or civil proceeding, that you went through a red light, didn't stop at a stop sign, exceeded the speed limit, or a host of any other traffic indiscretions, then your recording will give an instant replay of what happened.

What better way of proving your case. Production of it to your accuser might put an end to any threatened proceedings.

Traffic Lawyer, Peter Proctor - Principal of Proctor & Associates, uses the DOD GSE550 GPS logger and vehicle recorder.

"I don't drive anywhere without it" says Peter. "It has become part of my car accessories."

The beauty of this instrument is that as soon as you turn on your ignition, it begins to record.

Once activated, you will have recorded not only the time you left a particular place, and arrived at your destination, but also everything that occurred between including any conversation (optional), a view of the roadway and traffic ahead, the speed you were doing and when downloaded to your computer, with additional optional software, you can produce a google map of your route.

There are a lot of different products on the market. The DOD GSE550 is probably top of the range available on the market. It records very clear daytime images, gives your latitude and longitude, the speed you are travelling and date and time.

The instrument is simply attached to the inside of your windscreen by way of a suction plunger. The lead attaches to the cigarette socket and the camera begins to operate as soon as the power is switched on.

There are various settings on the instrument that can be set prior to your journey beginning.

This instrument utilises a memory card up to 64GB SDHC.

The Video resolution setting can be varied from the highest quality 1920 x 1080 30P down to 320 x 240 30P. At the highest setting you will be able to record for approximately 136 minutes on a 8 GB card.

The image, taken from a 120 degree wide angle lens, is displayed on a small screen as you travel.

The recording can be selected from 1minute intervals up to 45 minutes.

At the end of your day, take the unit to your computer and download the images for that day and then delete them from your camera. You can store the images for as long as you like, on your home or office computer, depending upon the space available.

A further feature of this device is that it has Collision Data Protection. If your vehicle encounters a heavy hit, the device will automatically protect the earliest and latest 3 files so they can't be deleted.

This unit is very compact and doesn't occupy a large part of your windscreen as some of the large versions do. It's about half the surface area of most Satellite Navigation screens. Simply place it behind your rear vision mirror so that it is out of your way and not impeding your vision.

DOD GSE550 Car Black Box Camera Review By Peter Proctor, Lawyer at Proctor & Associates Rating: 5.0 out of 5. This instrument doesn't lie, and I don't drive anywhere without it. There are a lot of different products on the market. The DOD GSE550 is probably top of the range available on the market in my opinion.

Read more about the DOD GSE550, including specifications, and watch a video.

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