Postcodes of TAS and Hobart Metro in alphabetical order. Postal code 7000
Postcodes of Tasmania and Hobart
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Postcodes of Tasmania in alphabetical order. Capital of Tasmania is Hobart,
Postcode 7000. Hobart's Post Office Box is 7001.
7315 Abbotsham
7112 Abels Bay
7310 Aberdeen
7306 Acacia Hills
7170 Acton Park
7150 Adventure Bay
7216 Akaroa
7330 Alcomie
7150 Allens Rivulet
7150 Alonnah
7120 Andover
7216 Ansons Bay
7120 Antill Ponds
7190 Apslawn
7030 Apsley
7330 Arthur River
7011 Austins Ferry
7213 Avoca
7120 Baden
7030 Bagdad
7267 Bangor
7150 Barnes Bay
7054 Barretta
7306 Barrington
7004 Battery Point
7270 Beaconsfield
7215 Beaumaris
7270 Beauty Point
7252 Beechford
7253 Bell Bay
7018 Bellerive
7254 Bellingham
7011 Berriedale
7306 Beulah
7215 Bicheno
7216 Binalong Bay
7162 Birchs Bay
7303 Birralee
7301 Bishopsbourne
7140 Black Hills
7321 Black River
7052 Blackmans Bay
7275 Blackwall
7301 Blackwood Creek
7212 Blessington
7255 Blue Rocks
7260 Blumont
7321 Boat Harbour
7321 Boat Harbour Beach
7053 Bonnet Hill
7030 Bothwell
7140 Boyer
7302 Bracknell
7140 Bradys Lake
7261 Branxholm
7258 Breadalbane
7175 Bream Creek
7304 Breona
7277 Bridgenorth
7030 Bridgewater
7262 Bridport
7030 Brighton
7330 Brittons Swamp
7030 Broadmarsh
7140 Bronte Park
7320 Brooklyn
7190 Buckland
7320 Burnie
7212 Burns Creek
7140 Bushy Park
7140 Butlers Gorge
7116 Cairns Bay
7325 Calder
7170 Cambridge
7316 Camena
7026 Campania
7210 Campbell Town
7257 Cape Barren Island
7264 Cape Portland
7173 Carlton
7291 Carrick
7151 Casey
7116 Castle Forbes Bay
7109 Catamaran
7304 Caveside
7215 Chain Of Lagoons
7011 Chigwell
7330 Christmas Hills
7304 Chudleigh
7011 Claremont
7270 Clarence Point
7019 Clarendon Vale
7306 Claude Road
7211 Cleveland
7020 Clifton Beach
7027 Colebrook
7215 Coles Bay
7012 Collinsvale
7211 Conara
7054 Coningham
7173 Connellys Marsh
7320 Cooee
7174 Copping
7215 Cornwall
7109 Crabtree
7306 Cradle Mountain
7109 Cradoc
7190 Cranbrook
7024 Cremorne
7302 Cressy
7316 Cuprona
7256 Currie
7112 Cygnet
7304 Dairy Plains
7151 Davis
7212 Deddington
7140 Dee
7112 Deep Bay
7304 Deloraine
7150 Dennes Point
7264 Derby
7140 Derwent Bridge
7009 Derwent Park
7275 Deviot
7300 Devon Hills
7310 Devonport
7252 Dilston
7325 Doctors Rocks
7173 Dodges Ferry
7310 Don
7215 Douglas River
7117 Dover
7010 Dowsing Point
7030 Dromedary
7025 Dulcot
7177 Dunalley
7304 Dunorlan
7005 Dynnyrne
7030 Dysart
7179 Eaglehawk Neck
7250 East Launceston
7330 Edith Creek
7256 Egg Lagoon
7112 Eggs And Bacon Bay
7030 Elderslie
7054 Electrona
7304 Elizabeth Town
7140 Ellendale
7325 Elliott
7010 Elwick
7255 Emita
7211 Epping Forest
7310 Erriba
7310 Eugenana
7212 Evandale
7275 Exeter
7303 Exton
7215 Falmouth
7140 Fentonbury
7054 Fern Tree
7214 Fingal
7140 Fitzgerald
7325 Flowerdale
7163 Flowerpot
7270 Flowery Gully
7173 Forcett
7330 Forest
7310 Forth
7215 Four Mile Creek
7275 Frankford
7113 Franklin
7030 Gagebrook
7112 Garden Island Creek
7112 Gardners Bay
7315 Gawler
7116 Geeveston
7015 Geilston Bay
7253 George Town
7264 Gladstone
7109 Glaziers Bay
7000 Glebe
7249 Glen Dhu
7109 Glen Huon
7109 Glendevie
7140 Glenfern
7275 Glengarry
7012 Glenlusk
7140 Glenora
7010 Glenorchy
7254 Golconda
7304 Golden Valley
7010 Goodwood
7150 Gordon
7216 Goshen
7216 Goulds Country
7306 Gowrie Park
7030 Granton
7017 Grasstree Hill
7256 Grassy
7276 Gravelly Beach
7215 Gray
7150 Great Bay
7270 Greens Beach
7140 Gretna
7277 Grindelwald
7109 Grove
7315 Gunns Plains
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