Postcodes of Australian Capital Territory ACT in alphabetical order. Postal code 2600
Postcodes of Australian Capital Territory A.C.T.
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Postcodes of Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.) in alphabetical order.
Capital of A.C.T. is Canberra, Postcode 2600. Canberra's Post Office Box
is 2601
2601 Acton
2602 Ainslie
2914 Amaroo
2614 Aranda
0200 Australian National University
2906 Banks
2600 Barton
2616 Belconnen
2617 Belconnen
2601 Black Mountain
2914 Bonner
2905 Bonython
2612 Braddon
2617 Bruce
2905 Calwell
2612 Campbell
2610 Canberra Business Centre
2600 Canberra
2601 Canberra
2604 Causeway
2611 Chapman
2615 Charnwood
2606 Chifley
2905 Chisholm
2601 City Centre
2608 Civic Square
2906 Conder
2614 Cook
2605 Curtin
2600 Deakin
2600 Deakin West
2602 Dickson
2602 Downer
2611 Duffy
2615 Dunlop
2600 Duntroon
2903 Erindale Centre
2617 Evatt
2904 Fadden
2607 Farrer
2611 Fisher
2615 Florey
2615 Flynn
2914 Forde
2603 Forrest
2615 Fraser
2609 Fyshwick
2605 Garran
2905 Gilmore
2913 Ginninderra Village
2617 Giralang
2906 Gordon
2904 Gowrie
2900 Greenway
2603 Griffith
2912 Gungahlin
A.C.T. A-G |
A.C.T. H-M |
A.C.T. N-S |
A.C.T. T-Z
Australian Post Codes