Postcodes of QLD and Brisbane Metro in alphabetical order. Postal code 4000
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Postcodes of Queensland and Brisbane

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Postcodes of Queensland in alphabetical order. Capital of Queensland is Brisbane, Postcode 4000. Brisbane's Post Office Box is 4001.

Qld. Post Codes Sorted By Postal Code:

Qld. Post Codes Sorted By Town/Suburb:

Queensland A-G | Queensland H-M
Queensland N-S | Queensland T-Z


4613 Abbeywood
4670 Abbotsford
4627 Abercorn
4850 Abergowrie
4660 Abington
4110 Acacia Ridge
4110 Acacia Ridge Dc
4401 Acland
4343 Adare
4474 Adavale
4703 Adelaide Park
4211 Advancetown
4870 Aeroglen
4677 Agnes Water
4807 Airdmillan
4802 Airlie Beach
4807 Airville
4814 Aitkenvale
4035 Albany Creek
4702 Alberta
4207 Alberton
4010 Albion
4051 Alderley
4694 Aldoga
4740 Alexandra
4572 Alexandra Headland
4161 Alexandra Hills
4115 Algester
4610 Alice Creek
4817 Alice River
4700 Allenstown
4740 Alligator Creek
4816 Alligator Creek
4850 Allingham
4362 Allora
4670 Alloway
4871 Almaden
4871 Aloomba
4724 Alpha
4702 Alsace
4807 Alva
4570 Amamoor
4570 Amamoor Creek
4829 Amaroo
4306 Amberley
4702 Ambrose
4462 Amby
4352 Amiens
4183 Amity
4183 Amity Point
4702 Anakie
4740 Andergrove
4570 Anderleigh
4800 Andromache
4455 Angellala
4216 Anglers Paradise
4814 Annandale
4103 Annerley
4070 Anstead
4650 Antigua
4378 Applethorpe
4570 Araluen
4726 Aramac
4054 Arana Hills
4625 Aranbanga
4309 Aratula
4819 Arcadia
4108 Archerfield
4702 Argoon
4721 Argyll
4737 Armstrong Beach
4551 Aroona
4214 Arundel
4214 Arundel Bc
4214 Arundel Dc
4007 Ascot
4359 Ascot
4670 Ashfield
4060 Ashgrove
4214 Ashmore
4034 Aspley
4883 Atherton
4350 Athol
4066 Auchenflower
4477 Augathella
4300 Augustine Heights
4871 Aurukun
4213 Austinville
4670 Avenell Heights
4670 Avoca
4306 Avoca Vale
4670 Avondale
4807 Ayr


4861 Babinda
4650 Baddow
4875 Badu Island
4674 Baffle Creek
4454 Baffle West
4207 Bahrs Scrub
4699 Bajool
4740 Bakers Creek
4740 Balberra
4702 Balcomba
4036 Bald Hills
4401 Balgowan
4382 Ballandean
4352 Ballard
4610 Ballogie
4171 Balmoral
4552 Balmoral Ridge
4740 Balnagowan
4876 Bamaga
4860 Bamboo Creek
4625 Ban Ban
4625 Ban Ban Springs
4702 Banana
4703 Bangalee
4306 Banks Creek
4570 Banks Pocket
4507 Banksia Beach
4207 Bannockburn
4014 Banyo
4352 Bapaume
4702 Baralaba
4601 Barambah
4725 Barcaldine
4065 Bardon
4714 Baree
4306 Barellan Point
4670 Bargara
4615 Barker Creek Flat
4605 Barlil
4703 Barlows Hill
4625 Barlyne
4703 Barmaryee
4703 Barmoya
4702 Barnard
4680 Barney Point
4416 Barramornie
4809 Barratta
4872 Barrine
4490 Barringun
4878 Barron
4861 Bartle Frere
4871 Basilisk
4305 Basin Pocket
4551 Battery Hill
4718 Bauhinia
4650 Bauple
4650 Bauple Forest
4703 Bayfield
4478 Bayrick
4868 Bayview Heights
4510 Beachmere
4740 Beaconsfield
4285 Beaudesert
4650 Beaver Rock
4829 Bedourie
4385 Beebo
4211 Beechmont
4659 Beelbi Creek
4570 Beenaam Valley
4207 Beenleigh
4517 Beerburrum
4626 Beeron
4519 Beerwah
4454 Beilba
4810 Belgian Gardens
4207 Belivah
4408 Bell
4570 Bella Creek
4507 Bellara
4300 Bellbird Park
4070 Bellbowrie
4871 Bellenden Ker
4551 Bells Creek
4153 Belmont
4740 Belmunda
4860 Belvedere
4610 Benair
4680 Benaraby
4306 Benarkin
4306 Benarkin North
4754 Benholme
4217 Benowa
4869 Bentley Park
4674 Berajondo
4353 Bergen
4117 Berrinba
4701 Berserker
4205 Bethania
4621 Biggenden
4216 Biggera Waters
4225 Bilinga
4390 Billa Billa
4715 Biloela
4702 Bingegang
4852 Bingil Bay
4482 Birdsville
4159 Birkdale
4352 Birnam
4575 Birtinya
4343 Black Duck Creek
4818 Black River
4600 Black Snake
4472 Blackall
4306 Blackbutt
4306 Blackbutt North
4306 Blackbutt South
4702 Blackdown
4740 Blacks Beach
4306 Blacksoil
4304 Blackstone
4306 Blackwall
4717 Blackwater
4625 Blairmore
4352 Blanchview
4560 Bli Bli
4799 Bloomsbury
4737 Blue Mountain
4818 Bluewater
4818 Bluewater Park
4702 Bluff
4455 Blythdale
4805 Bogie
4818 Bohle
4817 Bohle Plains
4575 Bokarina
4570 Bollier
4488 Bollon
4871 Bombeeta
4625 Bon Accord
4229 Bond University
4507 Bongaree
4356 Bongeen
4213 Bonogin
4385 Bonshaw
4401 Boodua
4871 Boogan
4610 Booie
4671 Boolboonda
4621 Boompa
4310 Boonah
4601 Boonara
4034 Boondall
4406 Boondandilla
4613 Boondooma
4650 Boonooroo
4650 Boonooroo Plains
4655 Booral
4552 Booroobin
4601 Booubyjan
4304 Booval
4671 Booyal
4306 Borallon
4565 Boreen
4565 Boreen Point
4124 Boronia Heights
4678 Bororen
4714 Boulder Creek
4702 Bouldercombe
4829 Boulia
4805 Bowen
4006 Bowen Hills
4404 Bowenville
4212 Boykambil
4680 Boyne Island
4680 Boyne Valley
4680 Boynedale
4610 Boyneside
4626 Boynewood
4512 Bracalba
4695 Bracewell
4017 Bracken Ridge
4313 Braemore
4741 Brampton Island
4625 Branch Creek
4352 Branchview
4808 Brandon
4800 Brandy Creek
4670 Branyan
4305 Brassall
4500 Bray Park
4800 Breadalbane
4825 Breakaway
4010 Breakfast Creek
4305 Bremer
4500 Brendale
4507 Bribie Island
4507 Bribie Island Dc
4507 Bribie Island North
4035 Bridgeman Downs
4412 Brigalow
4017 Brighton
4357 Bringalily
4870 Brinsmead
4000 Brisbane
4001 Brisbane
4000 Brisbane Adelaide Street
4007 Brisbane Airport
4002 Brisbane Albert Street Bc
4006 Brisbane Exhibition
4106 Brisbane Market
4000 Brisbane-City
4218 Broadbeach
4218 Broadbeach Waters
4420 Broadmere
4757 Broken River
4069 Brookfield
4816 Brookhill
4053 Brookside Centre
4364 Brookstead
4300 Brookwater
4620 Brooweena
4626 Brovinia
4118 Browns Plains
4356 Broxburn
4387 Brush Creek
4312 Bryden
4403 Brymaroo
4311 Buaraba South
4750 Bucasia
4207 Buccan
4825 Buckingham
4575 Buddina
4556 Buderim
4359 Budgee
4680 Builyan
4630 Bukali
4171 Bulimba
4615 Bullcamp
4357 Bulli Creek
4025 Bulwer
4670 Bundaberg
4670 Bundaberg Central
4670 Bundaberg Dc
4670 Bundaberg East
4670 Bundaberg North
4670 Bundaberg South
4670 Bundaberg West
4217 Bundall
4304 Bundamba
4870 Bungalow
4455 Bungeworgorai
4455 Bungil
4494 Bungunya
4055 Bunya
4655 Bunya Creek
4405 Bunya Mountains
4102 Buranda
4156 Burbank
4659 Burgowan
4830 Burketown
4220 Burleigh Heads
4220 Burleigh Town
4220 Burleigh Waters
4670 Burnett Heads
4505 Burpengary
4659 Burrum Heads
4659 Burrum River
4659 Burrum Town
4742 Burton
4818 Bushland Beach
4702 Bushley
4660 Buxton
4387 Bybera
4680 Byellee
4703 Byfield
4455 Bymount


4352 Cabarlah
4510 Caboolture
4510 Caboolture South
4312 Caboonbah
4343 Caffey
4870 Cairns
4870 Cairns City
4870 Cairns North
4870 Cairns Orchid Plaza
4116 Calamvale
4670 Calavos
4478 Caldervale
4798 Calen
4570 Calgoa
4390 Calingunee
4390 Callandoon
4680 Callemondah
4715 Callide
4680 Calliope
4551 Caloundra
4551 Caloundra West
4719 Camboon
4358 Cambooya
4552 Cambroon
4300 Camira
4730 Camoola
4828 Camooweal
4871 Camp Creek
4152 Camp Hill
4520 Camp Mountain
4625 Campbell Creek
4737 Campwin Beach
4702 Canal Creek
4630 Cania
4570 Canina
4630 Cannindah
4357 Canning Creek
4170 Cannon Hill
4802 Cannonvale
4702 Canoona
4209 Canowindra
4275 Canungra
4157 Capalaba
4157 Capalaba West
4800 Cape Conway
4800 Cape Gloucester
4740 Cape Hillsborough
4025 Cape Moreton
4723 Capella
4677 Captain Creek
4357 Captains Mountain
4878 Caravonica
4130 Carbrook
4854 Cardstone
4849 Cardwell
4152 Carina
4152 Carina Heights
4152 Carindale
4739 Carmila
4300 Carole Park
4344 Carpendale
4825 Carrandotta
4211 Carrara
4883 Carrington
4034 Carseldine
4806 Carstairs
4500 Cashmere
4567 Castaways Beach
4715 Castle Creek
4810 Castle Hill
4407 Cattle Creek
4626 Cattle Creek
4703 Causeway Lake
4407 Cecil Plains
4207 Cedar Creek
4520 Cedar Creek
4285 Cedar Grove
4285 Cedar Vale
4352 Cement Mills
4350 Centenary Heights
4869 Centenary Park
4001 Central Plaza
4702 Central Queensland Mc
4701 Central Queensland University
4627 Ceratodus
4610 Chahpingah
4133 Chambers Flat
4155 Chandler
4069 Chapel Hill
4608 Charlestown
4470 Charleville
4820 Charters Towers
4127 Chatswood Hills
4475 Cheepie
4068 Chelmer
4606 Chelmsford
4627 Cheltenham
4605 Cherbourg
4032 Chermside
4032 Chermside West
4306 Cherry Creek
4660 Cherwell
4217 Chevron Island
4660 Childers
4871 Chillagoe
4413 Chinchilla
4215 Chirn Park
4730 Chorregon
4311 Churchable
4305 Churchill
4306 Chuwar
4211 Clagiraba
4807 Clare
4705 Clarke Creek
4471 Claverton
4011 Clayfield
4226 Clear Island Waters
4500 Clear Mountain
4721 Clermont
4163 Cleveland
4427 Clifford
4361 Clifton
4879 Clifton Beach
4680 Clinton
4824 Cloncurry
4019 Clontarf
4357 Clontarf
4520 Closeburn
4605 Cloyna
4811 Cluden
4852 Clump Point
4305 Coalfalls
4605 Cobbs Hill
4703 Cobraball
4419 Cockatoo
4860 Coconuts
4871 Coen
4570 Coles Creek
4808 Colevale
4306 Colinton
4707 Collaroy
4343 College View
4301 Collingwood Park
4804 Collinsville
4170 Colmslie
4677 Colosseum
4702 Comet
4514 Commissioners Flat
4858 Comoon Loop
4416 Condamine
4357 Condamine Farms
4352 Condamine Plains
4815 Condon
4740 Coningsby
4552 Conondale
4800 Conway Beach
4184 Coochiemudlo Island
4519 Coochin Creek
4703 Cooee Bay
4313 Cooeeimbardi
4895 Cooktown
4610 Coolabunia
4479 Cooladdi
4225 Coolangatta
4387 Coolmunda
4580 Cooloola
4580 Cooloola Cove
4573 Coolum Beach
4216 Coombabah
4209 Coomera
4630 Coominglah
4630 Coominglah Forest
4311 Coominya
4702 Coomoo
4423 Coomrith
4626 Coonambula
4490 Coongoola
4108 Coopers Plains
4420 Coorada
4569 Cooran
4408 Cooranga North
4565 Cooroibah
4860 Cooroo Lands
4702 Coorooman
4563 Cooroy
4563 Cooroy Mountain
4151 Coorparoo
4860 Coorumba
4565 Cootharaba
4702 Coowonga
4402 Cooyar
4741 Coppabella
4860 Coquette Point
4670 Coral Cove
4660 Cordalba
4570 Corella
4733 Corfield
4075 Corinda
4621 Coringa
4610 Corndale
4130 Cornubia
4455 Cornwall
4558 Cotton Tree
4375 Cottonvale
4613 Coverty
4025 Cowan Cowan
4871 Cowley
4871 Cowley Beach
4871 Cowley Creek
4719 Cracow
4871 Craiglie
4032 Craigslea
4814 Cranbrook
4350 Cranley
4757 Crediton
4132 Crestmead
4519 Crohamhurst
4809 Cromarty
4312 Crossdale
4355 Crows Nest
4871 Croydon
4800 Crystal Brook
4860 Cullinane
4816 Cungulla
4490 Cunnamulla
4570 Curra
4871 Currajah
4812 Currajong
4552 Curramore
4551 Currimundi
4223 Currumbin
4223 Currumbin Dc
4223 Currumbin Valley
4223 Currumbin Waters
4352 Cutella
4490 Cuttaburra
4627 Cynthia
4218 Cypress Gardens
4357 Cypress Gardens


4514 D'aguilar
4873 Daintree
4127 Daisy Hill
4825 Dajarra
4503 Dakabin
4715 Dakenba
4807 Dalbeg
4405 Dalby
4702 Dalma
4757 Dalrymple Heights
4374 Dalveen
4671 Dalysford
4671 Damascus
4872 Danbulla
4610 Dangore
4860 Daradgee
4455 Dargal Road
4350 Darling Heights
4076 Darra
4695 Darts Creek
4855 Daveson
4521 Dayboro
4741 Daydream Island
4497 Daymar
4017 Deagon
4508 Deception Bay
4306 Deebing Heights
4625 Deep Creek
4674 Deepwater
4818 Deeragun
4871 Deeral
4621 Degilbo
4671 Delan
4626 Derri Derra
4352 Derrymore
4362 Deuchar
4753 Devereux Creek
4401 Devon Park
4735 Diamantina Lakes
4553 Diamond Valley
4551 Dicky Beach
4621 Didcot
4559 Diddillibah
4680 Diglum
4872 Dimbulah
4702 Dingo
4303 Dinmore
4625 Dirnbir
4486 Dirranbandi
4800 Dittmer
4873 Diwan
4702 Dixalea
4852 Djiru
4352 Djuan
4352 Doctor Creek
4740 Dolphin Heads
4357 Domville
4510 Donnybrook
4077 Doolandella
4830 Doomadgee
4007 Doomben
4620 Doongul
4060 Dorrington
4671 Doughboy
4354 Douglas
4814 Douglas
4570 Downsfield
4754 Dows Creek
4520 Draper
4350 Drayton
4116 Drewvale
4424 Drillham
4424 Drillham South
4671 Drinan
4718 Dromedary
4712 Duaringa
4650 Duckinwilla
4671 Duingal
4425 Dulacca
4560 Dulong
4702 Dululu
4715 Dumgree
4702 Dumpy Creek
4625 Dundarrah
4650 Dundathu
4655 Dundowran Beach
4740 Dundula
4816 Dunk Island
4650 Dunmora
4407 Dunmore
4740 Dunnrock
4183 Dunwich
4077 Durack
4454 Durham Downs
4610 Durong
4610 Durong South
4102 Dutton Park
4626 Dykehead
4745 Dysart


4009 Eagle Farm
4271 Eagle Heights
4011 Eagle Junction
4207 Eagleby
4742 Eaglefield
4870 Earlville
4883 East Barron
4169 East Brisbane
4353 East Cooyar
4695 East End
4343 East Haldon
4860 East Innisfail
4305 East Ipswich
4740 East Mackay
4615 East Nanango
4860 East Palmerston
4861 East Russell
4350 East Toowoomba
4871 East Trinity
4305 Eastern Heights
4350 Eastlake
4860 Eaton
4037 Eatons Hill
4304 Ebbw Vale
4207 Edens Landing
4870 Edge Hill
4869 Edmonton
4871 Edward River
4344 Egypt
4627 Eidsvold
4627 Eidsvold East
4627 Eidsvold West
4807 Eight Mile Creek
4113 Eight Mile Plains
4740 Eimeo
4871 Einasleigh
4121 Ekibin
4855 El Arish
4552 Elaman Creek
4221 Elanora
4670 Electra
4655 Eli Waters
4516 Elimbah
4361 Ellangowan
4078 Ellen Grove
4670 Elliott
4670 Elliott Heads
4879 Ellis Beach
4361 Elphinstone
4742 Elphinstone
4720 Emerald
4710 Emu Park
4371 Emu Vale
4051 Enoggera
4520 Enoggera Reservoir
4741 Epsom
4740 Erakala
4730 Ernestina
4480 Eromanga
4312 Esk
4702 Etna Creek
4741 Eton
4741 Eton North
4858 Etty Bay
4860 Eubenangee
4554 Eudlo
4674 Euleilah
4491 Eulo
4455 Eumamurrin
4562 Eumundi
4757 Eungella
4757 Eungella Dam
4741 Eungella Hinterland
4854 Euramo
4660 Eureka
4677 Eurimbula
4581 Eurong
4455 Euthulla
4874 Evans Landing
4356 Evanslea
4888 Evelyn
4352 Evergreen
4053 Everton Hills
4053 Everton Park


4606 Fairdale
4103 Fairfield
4306 Fairney View
4700 Fairy Bower
4741 Farleigh
4568 Federal
4358 Felton
4358 Felton South
4650 Ferney
4306 Fernvale
4055 Ferny Grove
4055 Ferny Hills
4352 Fifteen Mile
4069 Fig Tree Pocket
4756 Finch Hatton
4350 Finnie
4825 Fisher
4570 Fishermans Pocket
4871 Fishery Falls
4860 Fitzgerald Creek
4018 Fitzgibbon
4344 Flagstone Creek
4802 Flametree
4714 Fletcher Creek
4305 Flinders View
4218 Florida Gardens
4860 Flying Fish Point
4343 Fordsdale
4678 Foreshores
4342 Forest Hill
4078 Forest Lake
4357 Forest Ridge
4118 Forestdale
4404 Formartin
4871 Forsayth
4006 Fortitude Valley
4740 Foulden
4871 Four Mile Beach
4800 Foxdale
4309 Frazerview
4806 Fredericksfield
4701 Frenchville
4870 Freshwater
4737 Freshwater Point
4855 Friday Pocket
4113 Fruitgrove
4313 Fulham


4671 Gaeta
4300 Gailes
4702 Gainsford
4850 Gairloch
4171 Galloways Hill
4814 Garbutt
4741 Gargett
4702 Garnant
4852 Garners Beach
4860 Garradunga
4343 Gatton
4345 Gatton College
4211 Gaven
4625 Gayndah
4051 Gaythorne
4034 Geebung
4352 Geham
4003 George Street
4871 Georgetown
4825 Georgina
4871 Germantown
4420 Ghinghinda
4620 Gigoomgan
4208 Gilberton
4570 Gilldora
4211 Gilston
4671 Gin Gin
4676 Gindoran
4625 Ginoondan
4809 Giru
4670 Givelda
4680 Gladstone
4615 Glan Devon
4570 Glanmire
4518 Glass House Mountains
4381 Glen Aplin
4871 Glen Boughton
4342 Glen Cairn
4570 Glen Echo
4680 Glen Eden
4312 Glen Esk
4800 Glen Isla
4872 Glen Ruth
4385 Glenarbon
4424 Glenaubyn
4620 Glenbar
4711 Glendale
4743 Glenden
4740 Glenella
4420 Glenhaughton
4355 Glenhaven
4711 Glenlee
4630 Glenleigh
4719 Glenmoral
4423 Glenmorgan
4370 Glennie Heights
4650 Glenorchy
4342 Glenore Grove
4626 Glenrae
4605 Glenrock
4702 Glenroy
4350 Glenvale
4570 Glenwood
4511 Godwin Beach
4702 Gogango
9726 Gold Coast Mc
4551 Golden Beach
4621 Golden Fleece
4865 Goldsborough
4671 Good Night
4390 Goodar
4610 Goodger
4300 Goodna
4660 Goodwood
4306 Googa Creek
4856 Goolboo
4306 Goolman
4702 Goomally
4354 Goombungee
4362 Goomburra
4601 Goomeri
4601 Goomeribong
4860 Goondi
4860 Goondi Bend
4860 Goondi Hill
4390 Goondiwindi
4800 Goorganga Creek
4800 Goorganga Plains
4650 Gootchie
4702 Goovigen
4702 Goowarra
4421 Goranba
4031 Gordon Park
4610 Gordonbrook
4865 Gordonvale
4352 Gore
4352 Gowrie Little Plain
4702 Gracemere
4075 Graceville
4075 Graceville East
4650 Grahams Creek
4855 Granadilla
4340 Grandchester
4051 Grange
4347 Grantham
4650 Granville
4352 Grape Tree
4405 Grassdale
4740 Grasstree Beach
4357 Grays Gate
4700 Great Keppel Island
4655 Great Sandy Strait
4871 Green Island
4124 Greenbank
4701 Greenlake
4225 Greenmount
4359 Greenmount
4751 Greenmount
4359 Greenmount East
4570 Greens Creek
4120 Greenslopes
4387 Greenup
4816 Greenvale
4401 Greenwood
4660 Gregory River
4800 Gregory River
4715 Greycliffe
4503 Griffin
4111 Griffith University
4352 Groomsville
4419 Grosmont
4627 Grosvenor
4054 Grovely
4210 Guanaba
4812 Gulliver
4418 Guluguba
4154 Gumdale
4570 Gunalda
4650 Gundiah
4620 Gungaloon
4872 Gunnawarra
4455 Gunnewin
4871 Gununa
4800 Gunyarra
4415 Gurulmundi
4805 Guthalungra
4420 Gwambegwine
4570 Gympie
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