Web site design business based in Sydney, Australia - we develop simple, economical and functional web sites with easy navigation and effective seo.
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Website Design Sydney - Pricing and Terms

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Search Engine Optimisation (Search Engine Optimisation)
Statistics show us that more than 80% of traffic from search engines comes from organic results. Basically, unless you are on the first page of Google™, regardless if you have a PPC strategy, your website may not be performing to it's full potential. For experienced, proven SEO Australia results, contact us today about website audits, SEO, and how we can improve your organic search engine optimisation with proven results.


Website Copywriting A good copywriter knows which words trigger the feelings that compel people to make decisions. They write with flair, making it easy for people to be drawn into what they are saying about your business, services or products. Read an an example of good copywriting for a fictitious Sydney Mercedes Dealer, or just "ok" website copy for a Used Mercedes dealer.


Trademark Registration The most effective way to safeguard you against people "trading off" your business name, product or service, is to register a trademark. For more information, including about the justweb® trade mark, please read our trademark registration article.

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Hourly and Project rates:

Following is our schedule of fees. Please note that these rates are subject to change without notice. Please see below the rates for further explanations about our pricing and terms and conditions.

General Pricing
Basic SEO for each page: $110.00 per page
Enquiry Form: $132.00 per form with basic error checking
Custom error pages: $253.00 set of 4 (400,401,404,500)
Custom website project: ask for quote
Extra images (2 per page allowed): $33.00 per image
Print friendly pages: $55.00 per page
Google location map: $220.00 ea (up to two locations)
Extra locations on same map: $33.00 (per extra location)
Google Places map setup: $220.00 ea
Google Analytics Reporting/Analysis: $220.00 per month
Landing pages (current client): $220.00 for 1, 20% disc 2+
Landing pages (new clients): $440.00 each
Banners, ad tiles, leader boards: $66.00 minimum
Full Flash image gallery - add extra galleries or photos yourself: $550.00
Standard on-page image gallery: $110.00 per page, $22.00 per image
Website Audit - Basic: $770.00

Hourly Rates
General website design: $110.00 ph (min 1 hour)
Website maintenance: $110.00 ph (min 1/2 hour) *
Website Optimisation (SEO): $110.00ph (min. 1 hour) **
Custom coding (eg, PHP, SQL): ask for quote
Editing and correcting copy: $132.00 per hour
Setup & configuration - web hosting: $110.00 ph (min 1 hour)
Move and setup existing website: $110.00 ph (min. 2 hours)
Setup, order & delegate domains: $110.00 ph (min. 1/2 hour)
Macromedia Flash: $121.00 ph (min 2 hours)
Requested weekend/out of hours work: $121.00 ph (min 1 hour)
After hours completion of work: $121.00 ph (min 1 hour)
Content Conversion: $121.00 ph (min 1 hour)

All prices include GST component | See below for Rates explained

Rates Explained:

General web design
This rate usually applies to new clients who only require a small amount of work.

Website maintenance
Update a website designed by justweb™, or someone else. *A 1 hour minimum applies if your account is less than $1000.00 in any given 12 month period.

Website optimisation (SEO)
We do not give quotes on website optimisation per se simply because each website is different, and each job has different challenges, many of which do not become apparent until the work commences. The rule of thumb is NOBODY can guarantee a top result - so it stands to reason how can you place a definitive price on a job if the outcome is not guaranteed? When choosing someone to optimise your website, ask them about their own results, as well as results achieved for their clients. However, our SEO Website Report is guaranteed to increase your position in Google, as well as provide recommendations to further increase your results.

SEO Maintenance
Once initial SEO results are achieved, your keyword phrases need to be monitored and maintained. Or basic SEO monthly price includes monitoring and reporting, and our advanced price includes monthly monitoring, reporting, and up to 3 hours SEO work per month.

Custom coding (eg, PHP, SQL)
If your site requires custom functionality, for example a database or online program (calculator etc).

Website project
This applies if we are constructing a new website, or re-designing your old one. The first figure covers initial design work, consultation, setup of the site structure. The second rate is the average charge per page.

Editing and correcting copy
Website copy is to be supplied in MS Word documents, checked and edited before supply. If justweb has to edit your copy before we use it, it will cost you $132.00 per hour.

Print friendly pages
If you have pages that people will want to print (eg, media releases, fact sheets, etc), this rate will apply to create a second instance of a particular page, with all the site navigation and graphics removed.

Custom error pages
There are two main reasons for using custom error pages. The first is quite obviously aesthetics (what looks better, this [normal error page] or this [custom error page]. The second is you don't totally disappoint a visitor by showing them a non-branded page. A custom error page gives you a second chance at keeping the visitor from leaving your domain and looking elsewhere. The set includes pages for 400, 401, 403, & 500 server generated errors.

Landing pages
Landing pages are used for pay per click campaigns mostly. They are specially formed pages designed to get the most out of Internet advertising. Standard landing pages can contain graphics, text, and validated coding. "Fancy" landing pages are more complex and may contain multimedia, such as Macromedia Flash, streaming audio, or streaming video presentations.

Premium one way link
This is a link from a PR6 website going directly to your website. This adds value to your site, and enables search engines to crawl it easier and likely more often.

Setup & configuration - web hosting
This applies to setting up your web hosting account with email boxes, email forwards, and statistical analysis. It is not included in the web design project rate.

Move and setup existing website
If you want to take advantage of the exceptionally reliable, inexpensive and professional Australian web host we use, but you do not want to change your site at the moment, you will be charged a "moving fee".

Macromedia Flash
Animations using Macromedia Flash technology.

Requested weekend/out of hours work
If you request work to be performed for whatever reason after hours or on a weekend, this hourly rate will apply. "After hours" is defined as before 8.30 am and after 5pm Monday to Friday. "Weekend" is defined as after 5.00pm Friday, and before 8.30am Monday. General maintenance requests must be made at least 24 hours prior to when the job is to be completed. If you need something to be done the same day as it is requested, you MUST follow your email up with a phone call advising of your requirements. Generally, work supplied on a Friday will be completed for the following Monday, unless a prior arrangement has been made.

After hours completion of work
An after hours rate will apply if a pre-determined deadline exists, and a promised delivery of content does not happen forcing completion of work to take place after hours. "After hours" is defined as before 8.30 am and after 5pm Monday to Friday. "Weekend" is defined as after 5.00pm Friday, and before 8.30am Monday.

General Information and Terms for Clients:

Pre-project Planing
If a project is larger than ten pages, the client is required to create an overview, or brief, of the planned website, including a basic sitemap with details of extra functionality.

File types:

Website Copy
All text information for new or edited websites must be supplied in Word Documents. Bodies of text MUST NOT be sent in the body of an email - they must be attached to an email which has the instructions clearly set out. PLEASE NOTE: work will not commence until website copy, logos, etc are supplied.

The website project pricing above assumes the addition of up to three client supplied images per page. This includes editing and preparation for inclusion on your website. File types for images are:

If any other file types are supplied, you may be charged extra for conversion or optimisation. Please ask before sending anything other than what is listed above. NOTE: PDF is not an acceptable image format. Any high res images, or not "optimised for the web use" images, must be supplied on CD-Rom.

User accessibility is key to an efficient website. To this end, adhering to widely used file types enhances your user's experience. EG, as over 85% of people use Internet Explorer/Windows, they already have Windows Media Player installed, so .wmv files are recommended for streaming audio and video. Using anything else (eg, .Real, .Quicktime, etc) will force some users into having to download extra software to view your files.

Customers are required to sign an agreement and pay a deposit for any new website development/design project. The deposit covers work that may take several weeks to complete, and the agreement covers both our client and justweb in that both parties know what each others obligations are. Note that this applies to new AND existing clients, as terms and conditions may change over time. In some cases, an agreement may not be required or requested, however these basic terms still apply.

The ownership of all images and website copy supplied by the client remain with the original copyright owner. Ownership of stock images supplied by justweb remains with the original owner or photographer unless otherwise covered by the general usage licence. Any graphics or logos designed by justweb may be used on the original website for which they were intended only. All websites designed by justweb will have a credit appearing somewhere on each page. This credit and link MUST remain visible at all times and not altered without prior consent unless the website has been significantly redesigned, and the custom PHP coding removed (not the normal HTML). By accepting any website designed by justweb, you are agreeing to these terms, regardless if a formal agreement has been signed. Anyone who removes the credit link without permission may risk the remote removal of the custom PHP headers.

Desktop Support
justweb is a web development and design company. We are not a helpdesk company. We cannot help you with installation of software, or provide support for software you have installed. We can certainly recommend (what we think) is the best software for the job, but, again, we do not provide support for it. The same goes for setting up email on your computer. You can read our email setup help guidelines here, or if they don't help, do a Google search for the setup relevant to your program (see below for the Google search bar).


Our accounts are FIFTEEN DAYS only for regular clients (a history of more than 60 days), and SEVEN DAYS ONLY for casual/new clients. That means that after you receive your bill, we require payment WITHIN 15 or 7 days. It is important you pay your bill on time, as further work may be suspended until your account becomes current. We may, at our discretion and under certain circumstances, allow longer account periods.

If your account becomes too far in arrears, we may disable some or all work previously provided by us until the account is settled in full, or a supplementary agreement is established. An agreement may need to be signed prior any new website development or re-design project commences.

Any new job may require a 40% deposit to be paid. We highly recommend you do NOT initiate an agreement with us until you are ready to proceed as you may incur extra costs. Our prices are in $AUD, which includes a GST component. If you are not an Australian resident/business, please ask for further assistance.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a new client and no deposit has been made (eg, for a small job), your account is due in SEVEN DAYS after receiving our invoice.

LAST UPDATED: 25.11.2010 - justweb

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