Jaime Wright Shoes - Tania Zaetta shows Jaime Wright how to use Twitter
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Jaime Wright Shoes - Tania Zaetta shows Jaime Wright how to use Twitter

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International Aussie Celebrity and Bollywood Star, Tania Zaetta, is personally involved and very proactive when it comes to her social media profile.

But more than that, she's is willing (and able) to help out fellow celebs with their first foray into Twitterdom, with some advice on how to handle their Twitter account.

Last week, over dinner at Broadbeach (Qld) with her friend, Aussie tennis champ Pat Cash, Tania gave Pat some lessons on Twitter use, and asked people to give his profile a lift by following him.

This week, whilst on one of her regular visits to Sydney, Tania's latest bout of "Tweetutoring" involved another friend: model, TV presenter and shoe designer, Jaime Wright.

Jaime Wright Shoes Jaime presented Tania with a pair of her unique Jaime Wright shoes, a stunning pair of Frankies in blue/black, with hot pink soles (well, I'm told they're stunning - I'm also told they are quite reasonably priced too).

Never one to miss an opportunity to help, Tania (add Tweeter Tutor to her list of credits), introduced Jaime to the power of, and some of the "tricks" of Twitter.

Its not that hard really - particularly if you already enjoy a large following, as in the case of Jaime Wright. Having strutted catwalks for the likes of Versace and Dolce Gabana, as well as appearing on a number of televisions shows AND being one of most Googled Aussie celebrities, this will surely give her a good basis to build up a big following for her Twitter account.

As described in another article, Who Should Use Twitter, there are some do's and dont's associated with using Twitter.

For example, don't simply use it for self-promotion - people will soon unfollow you. Also, DON'T just follow people in the hope they will follow you back. I personally only follow people I know, who can add value to my business or life in some way, or people I don't know, but admire or like.

There are many other things which go against Twitterquette "rules", but here is a rough summary of a reasonably balanced way to use Twitter:

So anyway, after she gave Jaime some lessons in Twitterquette, Tania proceeded to help spread the word about Jaime's shoes with a special Tweet:

Marketing Advocacy

Read the full "Who Should Use Twitter" article, and a related article, Advocacy Advertising.

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