Shredfast is a mobile document destruction & paper shredding service located in Sydney, Australia.
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Document Destruction by Shredfast

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Shredfast is the first onsite document destruction and paper shredding service utilising an "in-truck" system to begin permanent and structured operations in the greater Sydney metropolitan area.

The company was formed in response to an overwhelming corporate need for a document destruction business guaranteeing the secure and instantaneous destruction of confidential, redundant company paper records and data material.

Identity theft has become more prevalent in recent times and Shredfast has the technology to ensure safe paper shredding at your premises.

Paper shredding has become a vital ally in fighting fraud, and you can safely destroy all documents in their mobile paper shredding units. This significantly reduces the likelihood that sensitive commercial or personal information get used to commit crimes or fraud, which could be as simple as a bank statement with your own, or your customers' credit card information getting into the wrong hands.

IMPORTANT: Under Australian law, you could be found guilty of any subsequent crimes that were committed due to unsecured information.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that just getting rid of redundant paperwork is sufficient though.

It's best to call in the experts to ensure that there is total and permanent document destruction. If the information that was heading for recycling or landfill is intercepted, many potentially serious fraud crimes could be perpetrated. In the event of such fraud occurring, your company may be liable due to negligent document destruction.

Aside from the potential for criminal or fraudulent access to sensitive information, it is wise to protect your company from suffering due to competitors discovering your plans. Shredfast's document destruction service is extremely thorough, not stopping just at paperwork. Their specially designed trucks and shredding equipment can easily destroy electronic data, and even hardware such as computers or mobile phones. Any item that can store information can be handed over to their document destruction teams.

Computer recycling is an important part of office waste management too. At the Planet Green recycling plant, a sister company to SHredfast, they understand that not only are computers bulky items to dispose of and contain 2 kgs of hazardous Lead and Phosprous, but they most probably also contain sensitive information.

Shredfast provides secure document destruction details, which includes your computer hard drive component serial number so you have peace of mind.

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