Julie Kember - debut album, Sugar and Stone - a review of this amazing debut album.
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Julie Kember - debut album, Sugar and Stone

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Julie Kember's new album, "Sugar and Stone", was officially launched in May (2009).

To people who know Julie and have been listening to this album for some time now, this is a much anticipated event. Everyone who identifies with Julie's powerful lyrics and very catchy melodies can't wait for the rest of the world to fall in love with her awesome talent.

Julie Kember

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"Heroes" promo - Strongest Girl in the World
The first single, Crazy, was released in 2008 and managed to do quite well for her on independent charts and iTunes.

Her second single, Strongest Girl in the World, was chosen by the Network Seven to promote their smash hit show "Heroes". It was that popular, Seven extended the run of the promo for another few weeks. To see the promo, check out the video to the right.

Around the same time, Julie was invited to visit the Middle East and entertain the troops. Channel Nine gave her a camera and she did a short doco for them that was screened on the Sunday program after her return.

Julie Kember

Julie is originally from Eneabba (north of Perth in Western Australia), but spent many of her formative years in Bunbury. She been writing songs since before she was a teenager, and all of her songs are an insight into her life, but presented in such a way, you will simply want to keep playing the album over and over.

She loves playing acoustic, but she is equally at home in front of a band singing rock, pop, or ballads. This new album is a mixture of all three. From the haunting Sugar and Stone to the "rocky poppy" Rockabye and I'm Happy Your Happy.

People may disagree, but I sort of think of her as a less angst-ridden Kelly Clarkson - another amazingly talented girl. And, like Kelly's albums, you will simply want to hit the "repeat - play all" button on Sugar and Stone.

Julie Kember jukebox

Tracks on the debut album include:

Album Launch eCard Sugar and Stone (title track)
Strongest Girl in the World
Take Me Away
I'm Happy You're Happy
Cup Your Hands
Typical Girl
Let Go
Own Two Feet
Not Enough For Me
Rockabye Baby Me

For a taste of Julie's new album, click here for a jukebox of demos.

See Julie on.....

Julie Kember - Facebook Julie Kember - MySpace Julie Kember - iTunes Julie Kember - Flickr

Julie Kember

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