Friesian Horse - Orlando Maurits (Ollie) - Friesian Horse Photos
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Even if you are not into horses, I think you will still be suitably impressed by the Friesian horse featured on this page.

The photos below show a friend of mine, Sharon, at her horse stud (Kinglsee Park) "horsing around" (huh? did I really say that?) with her award winning Friesian horse, Ollie.

Ollie, whose full name is Orlando Maurits, has been rated as being in the top 10% of all Friesians in the world - and if you see him in the flesh, I think you'll see why. As it is, the photos give you an indication of what a magnificent horse this fun loving, gentle giant is. The process of judging Fresians is called keuring, which is the Dutch word for "studbook inspections", and occurs once per year.

Also pictured below is another one of Sharon's award winning horses, Phoenix.

Please enjoy the photos, and check out the for sale section below.

Friesian Horse Friesian Horses Friesian horse frolicking 

Olie the Friesian having fun Having fun with Orlando Maurits

Some recent photos of Ollie being shown near Windsor (NSW)

(click to enlarge)
Ollie - Frisian Horse Show Showing Ollie the Friesian Horse Show - Ollie (Friesian) Horse Show - Ollie


Stallion Hiliner Float $10,000
White perfect, condition, been garaged all its life 
Extended height and width and is being resprayed the roof now to make her shine

Imported Friesian Mare $35,000.00
Freya V.H Huningspaed Date of Birth 22/07/2001
Co-efficent 2.14% 
Sire: Sape 381, Dam: Romkje V.H HHuningspaed 
Sold with service already paid to Denni and 2 service to Orlando Maurits 

Pure Bred Filly foal 8 months $12,500
Sire: Orlando Maurits Ster Stallion, Dam: Freya V.H
Huningspaed Date of Birth 22/07/2001
Co efficent 2.14% 

Part Bred Mare 4 years old Black Stunner $9500.00
Sold with 2 services to Orlando Maurits 

Part Bred Black Filly 9 months old $2500.00
Should grow 15.2 15.3 
Sire: Orlando, Dam: Cassey Paint Mare

Part Bred Bay Colt $2500.00
Should grow to 15.00 

Cassey - Paint Mare In foal to Orlando Maurits $9500.00
Plus free return Service
Due to Foal 24th of November

Chestnut Pure bred Quarter Horse In foal to Orlando Maurits $3500.00
Due to foal 22nd December 

Pure Bred Gypsy Filly Black Brown with white socks $19,500.00
10 months old
Sire: Tom Of Brackhen Hill, Dam: Najama

For any enquiries, please contact Sharon - details below

Please note: Be wary of any "for sale" notices for Ollie (Orlando Maurits) as there have been reports of scams. If you are interested in buying Ollie, please contact Sharon directly (below).

Sharon Sorenson (Kingslee Park Stud)
PO Box 118 North Richmond NSW 2754 Australia
Phone: 0428 641 238

Photos of Ollie in the paddock by Direct Shots Photography
p: 0404 843 636

Friesian History - a brief look at the breed

Friesians (Frisian is also an acceptable spelling) originated in the Netherlands province of Friesland. You may not have heard of Friesian horses, but you might have heard of Friesian cattle, and this is because often breeders of the horses also bred cattle.

Their history is reported to go back thousands of years, and may have also been where more known breeds of horses originated, such as Clydesdales, Shire Horse, etc., which is why they share certain characteristics. This was a result of the Romans using Friesians in their occupation of England.

Ancestors of the Friesians we see today carried knights into battle in medieval times. In the 16th century, the breed had an infusion of Andalusian blood, which had a significant impact on their weight and nimbleness.

They are an outstanding looking horse: beautiful black coats, long, flowing mains and long, thick tails - not to mention long silky hair on their legs, often referred to as "feathers". Impressive hardly suffices!

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