Online Brand - monitoring your brand because people are talking about you online
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Monitoring Your Brand Online

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People are talking about you online - Start listening!

By Kim Larochelle, account manager for Dennis Rutzou Public Relations

There's no denying the internet has become a powerful business tool. It has made the sharing of information, tips and feedback so much more open and it has the ability to reach customers, influence opinion, sell products and reinforce corporate branding messages.

Many businesses have a set and forget mentality when it comes to their website and often don't realise that people may be talking about the brand in areas outside of their corporate website.

The rise of review websites and forums such as Whirlpool, have changed the shopping habits of many Australians who will research a product online before visiting a store.

Online Brand These conversations can provide valuable market intelligence and also provide new opportunities for a brand to engage new audiences, enrich existing customer relationships and increase brand awareness. In other words, your online brand is becoming increasingly more important and visible.

Before embarking on any communication strategy, you first need to monitor the market. Here are a few simple and free tips on how you can start monitoring online discussions about your brand:

1. Google

2. Blogs & forums


4. Social media

5. News aggregators

After monitoring your brand online you may then be ready to start engaging with these audiences. An agency like Dennis Rutzou Public Relations can help you to develop a comprehensive online PR strategy that may also be integrated with a full public relations plan. This will ensure that you lift your profile in cyberspace and stay a step ahead of your competitors.

For more information about online monitoring and public relations contact:

PR Firm Dennis Rutzou Public Relations Pty Ltd

Telephone: 02 9413 4244 (International: +61 2 9413 4244)
Facsimile: 02 9413 4263 (International: +61 2 9413 4263)
E-mail: | Website:

Street Address:
Suite 21, Chatswood Village 47 Neridah Street Chatswood NSW 2067 Australia

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