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The following
weight loss tips have been written by Rhian Allen. The include common sense approaches to achieving
healthy weight loss through eating healthy food, drinking lots of water, and regular
weight loss exercise.
Make sure you drink at least
1.5 litres of water per day. Want some reasons
- Water Is Your 'Secret Weapon' To Aid Fat Loss
- Liver metabolizes Fat. (breaks it down into its manageable compounds)
- Liver also picks up the slack of the kidneys
- If kidneys do not get enough water, the liver has to pick up the slack
and therefore does not metabolize fat efficiently
- If you don’t drink enough – your body goes into survival mode
- The more water you drink, the more your body gives up the stores of
water it has been collecting in your ankles, knees and even around your
- If you feel bloated you may not be drinking enough water
- Water improves muscle tone and makes your workout more effective
- Helps to create a feeling of fullness and suppress appetite for the
wrong things
Pre-prepare foods like cooked chicken breast to have in the fridge for your mid
afternoon or mid morning snacks. Have them sliced up into easy to eat pieces and
when you are hungry eat with some cottage cheese or carrots - all the protein
will really fill you up with virtually no fat and will also boost your
metabolism - all great for weight loss!
Try and
include Brocolli in your dinners whenever you can as it is full of
nutrients to keep you healthy (plus is cancer fighting) and packed full of fibre
so will really help fill you up. But make sure you don’t over cook it as the
nutrients in it are destroyed when over cooked – so lightly steam instead.
Use the weekend to
instill healthy practices in your family and kids which will
not only help your weight loss but will ensure your family see being healthy as
normal and don't get used to eating junk foods and sugary foods. Make fun foods
like fruit kebabs, smoothies, home made chicken burgers on wholegrain rolls,
home made pizza etc. Plus get into the habit of doing a big family walk and some
family fun exercise like piggy in the middle catch, rounders, tennis, tip,
skipping or hoola hooping - anything to get you and your family moving - and
having fun!
mini push up is a GREAT exercise to do every morning when you get up. It
works your upper arms, your core and your chest and if you do them every day you
will get results fast. They are like a full push up but you do them on your
knees so it is easier. Do as many as you can but aim for at least 10 and try for
2 or 3 sets if 10 during the day.
Boost your metabolism whenever you can - do this by:
- Eating thermogenic foods - chilli, garlic, green tea, lean protein,
- Lift light weight to boost your lean body muscle
- Walk at least 4 times a week
- Eat little and often and never eat fewer than 1200 calories a day
- Never skip breakfast
- Have protein powered snacks when you are hungry
Try and get into the habit of
only eating when your tummy rumbles as that
indicates when you are truly hungry. Otherwise you are eating out of stress,
anger, emotion, boredom, or tiredness and that will just lead to wait gain.
Heart disease is the biggest killer of women (more than ALL CANCERS COMBINED),
and is also one of the biggest killers of men in Australia - so never has
there been a better reason to
go for a walk to get your cardio up as well as
getting rid of your baby weight! Try and fit in at least 30 minutes 5 times a
week and your butt and heart will thank you for it!
If you have reached a plateau in your weight loss then it is time to
your calorie intake. Firstly work out your BMR (you can do this here -
http://www.losebabyweight.com.au/weight-loss/body-mass-index/) and then see
where you can cut calories from your day without losing on taste. Doing this
will give your body a 'kick up the butt' and kickstart the metabolism and weight
loss again if it has reached a plateau and is getting used to your new lower
calorie intake.
If you want to give yourself a treat every now and again -
don't go for junk
food or takeaway foods that are full of transfats and additives that are not
only fattening but are really unhealthy and have no nutrients - instead go for
good quality chocolate or a low fat muffin or good quality glass of red
Make Monday
MEAT FREE MONDAY and experiment with Pumpkins and Capsicums – both
now in season. Pumpkins are high in beta carotene and fibre and capsicum are
full of vitamin C and fibre – all great for filling up on which will help weight
If you are cooking with red meat
ALWAYS trim the fat off and choose the lean
cuts in the supermarket. Red meat is high in saturated fat so only have small
portions – if you buy lean meat and trim all the fat off it will contain approx
8g of fat per 100g but chicken has 1g of fat per 100g – so go easy on the red
squeeze your abs whenever you can - during the day, at work, or on the
train/bus/in the car, on the sofa, or feeding your little one. You can can
always activate your abs and it is a great way to activate your core.
Find your inspiration to lose weight. It could be a person you know or someone's
story you have come across or someone you are following online who is currently
losing their weight - ether way - find your person who will inspire you to lose
your weight and use them as your extra motivator when you are having tough days.
Losing weight is hard for most of us and we all need that extra support so get
as much as you can from as many people as you can and you WILL get there!
If you have gone for a big walk and your legs or arms are sore then
take a
magnesium tablet and eat some protein soon after to help your muscles recover
and prevent any soreness the next day - this works really well and will mean you
still do exercise the next day and not use 'soreness' as an excuse not to do
Choose your source of fluids wisely - Some fluids work against hydration. Coffee
and traditional teas contain caffeine (use caffeine free tea), which produces
increased urine output and is therefore a dehydrating agent. The more you drink,
the quicker water will pass through your body. Diet drinks contain artificial
sweeteners in place of sugar. These sweeteners send confusing messages to the
brain that food (energy) is on the way to the stomach, but because sweeteners
contain no calories, no energy arrives, so the brain sends out hunger messages
until food finally arrives. People who drink diet sodas on a regular basis
therefore tend to eat too much. Choose plain or sparkling water instead!
If you need to sweeten a tea or another food
use honey instead or sugar or a low
calorie sweetner. Honey is twice as sweet as sugar but is low GI and helps
promote muscle recuperation which is great if you have been exercising or
holding and settling a baby all day or night!
These healthy weight loss tips have been written by Rhian Allen from
LoseBabyWeight.com.au, but are general healthy tips for everyone.
Rhian Allen
Phone: (02) 8094 8775
Mobile: 0410 869354

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