Vance and Hines Big Shots Staggered is the perfect exhaust system for that custom look. A 2 into 2 pipe with 2 into 1 performance, well worth a look.
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Vance & Hines Big Shots Staggered

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Vance & Hines exhaust systems seem to be on every second Harley, and it's no surprise. They are well made, look great, work well, and come in at an affordable price.

I've personally used V&H pipes for a few years now, starting with a set of Vance & Hines Big Shots Staggered on my old bike, a Softail. They worked beautifully with the big cam and S&S carburettor, adding not only to the performance, but giving it a very sweet note.

Now I have a Dyna Fatbob (my first ever Dyna), and it is fitted with Vance and Hines Short Shots. Initially I liked them, but because they are so short and come standard with only simple, louvered-core baffles, I found them to be a tad bit noisy.

To fix this annoying problem, I dropped into MCA one day and picked up a pair of V&H "Quiet Baffles" (part #21301). It was a chore to get them in with the supplied fibreglass wrapping, so I dispensed with that and just inserted the baffles by themselves. It made a huge difference to the noise factor, with little or no burbling on roll off, but I still didn't have that sweet, beefy note with my old Big Shots.

So, the next step is to go and visit my friends over at MCA and pick up a set of Vance and Hines Big Shots Staggered. The extra length should provide adequate back pressure and remove the possibility of roll off burble, so the need for quiet baffles will be less likely, BUT, I may pick up a set anyway (part #21869).

One of the reasons the V&H pipes work better than standard 2 into 2 exhausts systems is that they have a hidden crossover, which equalises the pressure in the exhaust pipes. The Short Shots do not have this feature.

The pipes will last too, having an excellent finish, and will maintain that finish throughout their lifetime due to their 2 1/2" diameter plasma-arc cut, full-coverage heat shields, which makes them blue-proof.

The business end of the pipes is finished off nicely too with very stylish end caps, that can be turned to give a slash cut look.

Big Shots Staggered Features

Check them out at the Motorcycle Accessories Supermarket (MCAS) superstore at Auburn:

321 Parramatta Road, AUBURN NSW 2144
Phone: (02) 9648 1400
Fax: (02) 9648 0700
Vance and Hines:

The video below from Vance and Hines features Big Shots Staggered for 2012 Dyna FXDB Street Bob.

Vance and Hines Big Shots Staggered

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