Public Relations - Website design business based in Sydney, Australia - we develop simple, economical and functional web sites with easy navigation and effective seo.
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Client Case Studies - Dennis Rutzou Public Relations

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Search Engine Optimisation (Search Engine Optimisation)
Statistics show us that more than 80% of traffic from search engines comes from organic results. Basically, unless you are on the first page of Google™, regardless if you have a PPC strategy, your website may not be performing to it's full potential. For experienced, proven SEO Australia results, contact us today about website audits, SEO, and how we can improve your organic search engine optimisation with proven results.


Website Copywriting A good copywriter knows which words trigger the feelings that compel people to make decisions. They write with flair, making it easy for people to be drawn into what they are saying about your business, services or products. Read an an example of good copywriting for a fictitious Sydney Mercedes Dealer, or just "ok" website copy for a Used Mercedes dealer.


Trademark Registration The most effective way to safeguard you against people "trading off" your business name, product or service, is to register a trademark. For more information, including about the justweb® trade mark, please read our trademark registration article.

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W3C Validated: XHTML | CSS

DRPR is a full service communications consultancy drawing on the resources of a diverse range of people with a wealth of experience. Their clients employ them because they understand that public relations is as much a business discipline as it is a function of communication.

DRPR works with clients according to defined objectives and pride themselves in producing the highest quality of work..

justweb, using a basic design by "Concept Factory", redesigned the old DRPR website using validated HTML 4 and CSS code.

The site uses PHP includes to cut down on maintenance, and is added to each week to keep Google revisiting.The only Flash in the site is a small animation in the header, and SEO has been improved using mod-rewrite rules and keyword integration.
Public Relations
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